Sample Script: TLuaICMP--Description: Trace route example icmp = TLuaICMP() iPacketSize = 32 --packet size in bytes, excluding the header
bNoFragment = false --Set to true to inhibit fragmentation of packet sent iMaxHops = 255 --Max number of hops in route --Begin trace
bok = icmp:BeginTrace(iPacketSize,bNoFragment,iMaxHops) if bok ~= true then SetExitStatus("Trace failed!",false);
--Print the result
iCount = 1; Result = TLuaICMPTraceResult() while icmp:NextTraceResult(Result) do print("Hop: "..iCount) print(Result.m_Name) print(Result.m_iRoundTripTimeMs) iCount = iCount + 1 end
--Clean up resources
icmp:EndTrace() SetExitStatus("Trace ok!",true); | |||
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