Sample Script: TLuaSocketSecure--This function is called by KNM when enumerating a field function OnEnumerate(sFieldToEnum)
Enum = LuaScriptEnumResult() if sFieldToEnum == "Ignore connection problems" then Enum:Add("Yes")
Enum:Add("No") end return Enum end --This function is called by KNM to retrieve a script configuration function OnConfigure()
Config = LuaScriptConfigurator() Config:SetAuthor("Robert Aronsson, Kaseya AB") Config:SetDescription("The script check if a certificate is about to
expire within the configured number of days.") Config:SetMinBuildVersion(5280) Config:SetScriptVersion(1,0) Config:AddArgument("Port number","Port number to connect on", LuaScriptConfigurator.CHECK_NOT_EMPTY) Config:AddArgument("Number of days","Check if certificate expres within this period",LuaScriptConfigurator.CHECK_NOT_EMPTY)
Config:AddArgument("Ignore connection problems","Do you want thescript to report connection problems as well ?",LuaScriptConfigurator.ENUM_AVAIL + LuaScriptConfigurator.CHECK_NOT_EMPTY) Config:SetEntryPoint("main") return Config end --This is the entry point function main() local iPort = GetArgument(0)
local iNumDays = GetArgument(1)
local bReportConnectionProblem = false;
if GetArgument(2) == "Yes" then bReportConnectionProblem = true
end --Timeperiod that the certificate should be valid within local iOffsetTime = (60 * 60 * 24) * iNumDays
--Default values for test eval local bTestOk = true;
local sText = "Certificate ok";
--Open socket Socket = TLuaSocketSecure() if Socket:Open(iPort) ~= 0 then CurrentTime = TLuaDateTime(); --The time was retrieved during the connect Time = Socket:GetCertificateExpiryDate(); print("Certificate expires ("..Time:GetDate() .." " .. Time: GetTime()..")"); --Check time iExpiryTime = Time:Get() -iOffsetTime; if Time:Get() < CurrentTime:Get() then bTestOk = false; sText = "Certificate have already expired ("..Time: GetDate() .." " .. Time:GetTime()..")"; else if iExpiryTime < CurrentTime:Get() then bTestOk = false; sText = "Certificate is about to expire in less than "..iNumDays.." days" end end else --Failed to open the socket, server down ? if bReportConnectionProblem == true then bTestOk = false; end sText = "Cannot connect to host."; end --Report status and exit SetExitStatus(sText,bTestOk); end | |||
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