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Compiling Custom MIB Files

By using the MIB compiler you can compile text MIB files into a binary format that Network Monitor can read. Compiling MIB files requires understanding about how MIB files work as well as a general understanding of SNMP and MIB objects. A number of different RFC documents outline the fundamental base that all other MIB files are based on.

Note: The community name, SNMP version, and port used used by Network Monitor to connect to an SNMP device is set on the Authentication tab of a device node. The device node may inherit this setting from a parent node. See the Installation Checklist.

As an example, this is the compile order of a CISCO ® product MIB.

  1. SNMPv2-SMI.mib
  2. SNMPv2-TC.mib
  3. SNMPv2-MIB.mib
  4. RFC1213-MIB.mib
  5. IF-MIB.mib
  6. CISCO-SMI.mib
  8. CISCO-TC.mib

The first 5 files in this example are common for most product MIB files, and are included in the default knm.mib binary MIB file.

Warning: All of these files must be compiled at the same time, otherwise the MIB compiler fails due to unresolved symbols.

Contents of the default KNM MIB file

The default knm.mib file included in the installation contains the following base OIDs (Device Identifiers).

The file is located in the \<KaseyaInstallDirectory>\KNM\mibs directory.

Installing and Running the MIB Compiler

Run knmsetup.exe and select Options > Install Utilities before continuing with the install. After the install click the <KaseyaInstallDirectory>\knm\mibcompiler.exe to run the MIB compiler utility. You can also start mibcompiler using the Kaseya > KNM program group in the start menu.

Compiling a MIB file

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  1. Start the <KaseyaInstallDirectory>\knm\mibcompiler.exe.
  2. Click the Browse button to select one or more *.mib files.
  3. Click the Compile button.
  4. Specify where where you want to save the compiled *.dat file.
  5. Click the Browse button to select the *.dat file that was just compiled. An interactive MIB tree displays in the main window. You can use it to navigate through the different OIDs.
  6. Move or copy the compiled *.dat file to the KNM\mibs folder.