Remote Cntl > Chat

Use Chat to initiate or continue chat sessions with user machines. Simply click the Machine ID of the machine you wish to start chatting with. A chat session window opens on the Administrator's machine and a chat window opens in a browser on the remote machine the next time it checks in.

Multiple chat sessions may be active at the same time. Each window title displays the Machine ID name for that session.

Multiple administrators may join the same chat session by clicking the Join Session link

The system automatically removes all messages older than one hour.

Machine ID link

Click the name of the remote machine to start a chat session with that machine.

Join Session link

Multiple administrators may participate in the same chat session with a user. If a chat session is in progress, the Join Session link appears next to that machine ID. Click this link to join the session. If the session was abnormally shut down, click this link to restart the chat session and recover all messages for the session.

Play tone with each new message

Check this box to cause a tone to sound every time a new message is sent or received by a chat window.

Customize the web page users see here

Click the here link to view and edit the web layout of the user access page. User Access is a frame set consisting of three pages: header frame, left frame, and right frame. You can select any page you like for the Header frame and the Left frame. You can also adjust the boundary location between the frames. System control pages run in the Right frame and can not be altered.

Header frame

Add customer header files here

Left frame

Add custom links here

Right frame

System control pages run in this frame.

NOTE: Only master administrators may customize the web page.