Patch Mgmt > Automatic Update


Select a time of day and day of week and click Schedule to apply new patches on all selected machines. To schedule automatic update for the same time every day select   Every day from the day selector.

Note: Patch installation only occurs when a new missing patch is found by Scan Machine.


Cancel any pending patch installations.

Stagger By

You can distribute the load on your network by staggering the installation of patches. If you set the stagger for 5 minutes, then patch installation to each machine ID is staggered by 5 minutes. For example, machine 1 runs at 10:00, machine 2 runs at 10:05, machine 3 runs at 10:10, ...

Skip if machine offline

Check to only install the update at the scheduled time.   If machine is offline, skip and reschedule for next day at the same time. Uncheck to install the update as soon as the machine connects after the scheduled time.

Note: If a new patch needs to be installed, the machine is typically reboot after the installation. To restrict reboots to only occur at the scheduled time, turn "Skip if machine offline" on.