Reports > Schedule Reports

Use Schedule Reports to automatically export reports to a URL on the VSA web site that does not require a login to access. Schedule Reports gives you a method to post reports accessible to non-administrators. Schedule recurring reports to post up to date data your users can access.

Set unique "Specify Accounts" settings for each scheduled instance of a report. This lets you define a single report and schedule it to run for each individual machine or group of machines. For instance, you could create a single Software report and then schedule it to output a unique report for each group ID.

You can optionally email a copy of the report or a short message with the URL to the report. Customize the message content by clicking the Format Email button.

Note: Only master administrators can change the format of the scheduled reports email.

Reports are posted to the dataReports directory, on the VSA's website, in a sub directory named after the administrator login that scheduled the report and a sub directory for the specify accounts filter. This convention groups all reports for a specific machine or group of machines into a common directory. For example:

Since the system runs these reports without the administrator logging in, only saved reports that specify all saved parameters may be scheduled.

NOTE: Standard administrators can not schedule reports that use < All Groups >. Only master administrators can schedule < All Groups > reports.

Show reports from all administrators

Checking this box displays reports (shared and private) for all administrators on the VSA server. Check this box to view/delete/modify scheduled reports for any administrator.

Note: Only master administrators can show reports for all administrators.

Select report to schedule

This drop down control lists all saved reports visible to the currently logged in administrator. Select the report to be scheduled from this list. The output report web page has the same filename as the report. Selecting a new report from this control resets the specify account settings to those saved with the report. The VSA displays the report type below this control.


Click Schedule to run the report at the specified time and save the file in the dataReports directory.


Check Recurring to repeatedly run the report at the specified interval. The report runs the first time at the time specified with the Run At control.

Enter email address to notify when report is ready

List of email addresses to send the report to. Depending on how the notification is formatted, either the entire report is sent or a short message with a link to the report is sent. Leave this list bank to disable email notification. Comma separate each email address to send multiple notifications/reports.

Format Email

Click this button to change the subject and body of the email sent when a report runs. Enter any text you like for either the subject line or body of the email. Special tags are available to insert unique report data.

<at> Time stamp of when the report was created

<er> Embed full report - NOTE: Report completely replaces entire message body   

<id> Specify accounts filter used to run the report   

<rt> Report title   

<ru> URL to the report stored on your VSA web site.


List of reports that have run and are scheduled to run. If the report has already run, the filename appears as a link to the report.

Last Run

Time when the report was last produced.

Next Run

Time the report is schedule to run next. If this field is blank, the report is not scheduled to run again.


Recurring interval at which the report runs.

Report Type

Type of report that has been scheduled. For example, Disk Utilization.

Account Filter

Values of the specify account filter used to run each scheduled report.

Email Address

Comma separated list of addresses to email the report or notification to. Leave blank to disable email notification.