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Script Locations

All scripts are accessed under the Install tab. There individual scripts may be organized into folders. Only scripts designated as shared scripts can be seen by other administrators. Clicking the script on the left-hand navigation bar displays a list of active accounts and machines. Schedule a script to execute on any or all machines under management by selecting the checkbox in front of the desired machine account then pressing the appropriate script execution button.

Script Toolbar

Open/expand all folders

Close/collapse all folders

Reorder all scripts and folders alphabetically

Search tool used to locate a script

Import a new script

Create a new script and open the script editor

Script Manager

Click on any script folder to open the script manager. Rename, delete, re-order, or move any script or folder contained in the selected script folder. Clicking the script name or folder name automatically moves the system focus to that item. To move an item, select the new destination folder from the dropdown control associated with the item you wish to move.

Executing Scripts

Scripts automate tasks on remote machines and can be performed on single or multiple machines simultaneously.  You can schedule scripts to run immediately or at any specific time. Check the box in front of Run recurring to task a script to execute at a recurring interval of your choosing.

Click edit to view/modify the script.

Clicking the edit link opens the current script in the script editor. Here you can view and/or modify any script step.


Press Schedule to schedule a script to run on the selected client machines. The scripts runs at the specified date and time. If Run recurring is checked, the script runs once every interval specified. If the remote machine is offline at the scheduled time, the remote machine will run the script the next time it goes online.

If the interval is at least one day, then the recurring script runs at the scheduled time every interval. If the interval is less than one day, the interval is added to the last execution time of the script. For example, schedule a machine to execute a script at 2am. with a recurring interval of 1 day. If the machine is turned off at 6pm and back on at 8am, the script runs at 8am. The VSA next schedules that script to run at 2am the next morning. If the interval were set to 3 hours, then the VSA next schedules that script to run at 11am the same morning.

Specify time to execute

Using the dropdown menus, enter the date and time to execute the script. After entering a date and time, press Schedule to schedule the script on the selected client machines.  


Press cancel to cancel the scheduled scripts from executing on the selected client machines.

Run recurring

To execute a script indefinitely at a regular interval, check the Run recurring checkbox and enter the interval time in day(s) or hour(s).

Note: If the interval is at least one day, then the recurring script runs at the scheduled time every interval. If the interval is less than one day, the interval is added to the last execution time of the script.

Stagger by

Scheduling a the same script to run at the same time on multiple machines my excessively load your server and/or internet connection. To automatically spread out the execution times, enter the number of minutes to stagger the script start time by. Clicking Schedule with multiple machine IDs selected, sets the execution time for the first machine at the scheduled time. It schedules the second machine at that time plus stagger minutes, and so on.

Skip if offline

Checking this box to only allow the script to run at the scheduled time of day (15 minute window). If the machine is offline at the scheduled time, then the script will not execute at all. If recurring is set, then the script is rescheduled to run at the next appointed time.

Last Execution Time/Last Execution Status

If a previous script was performed, the date of the last script and its status is displayed.

Next Scheduled Run/Recurring Interval

Shows the time of the next scheduled script and its execution frequency.

Auto Refresh Table

Selecting this checkbox will automatically update the client list table every five seconds. This checkbox is automatically selected and activated whenever Schedule is pressed.