Select Machines

The Select Machines area is available on all feature tabs and functions. It allows administrators to easily select an individual or group of client machines. Machine accounts are identified by a machine ID, which is part of a group ID.  

By default, the Select Machines filter displays all machine IDs in all groups managed by the logged in administrator.

Note: Only a master administrator can create top level group IDs. Any administrator can create subgroups. Create Machine Groups with the Create/Delete function under the System tab.

Filtering a client machine list

Filtering the client machine list allows administrators to view machines under their control. Along with the Rows dropdown menu, administrators can control the number of client machines displayed in the list. Views let you further refine the filter based on attributes contained on each machine (like operating system type).

Machine ID

Enter the machine ID of the user account being filtered. For multiple accounts, wildcards are acceptable. For example, searching all machine IDs within a group ID can be accomplished be entering an asterisk (*) in the machine ID field.

Select Page

When more machines are selected than can be displayed on a single page (as defined by the Rows dropdown control), this control lets you quickly locate a machine. The << and >> buttons go to the previous and next page in the sequence. The drop down control alphabetically lists the first machine ID from each page of data. To locate any machine quickly select the page based on machine ID.


  Select the number of accounts displayed on each account page.

Select Machine Group

Select the group ID to be filtered. Select "<All Groups>" to search for machine IDs across all group IDs managed by the logged in administrator.

Select View

Views let you refine the list of machines you wish to work on at one time. In addition to sorting based on machine group, views let you sort by attributes found on the machine (such as operating system type).

Once the filter parameters are specified, click green arrow button to initiate the filter. Results will be displayed in the client machine list.