System > Customize

How do I customize the home page first seen by administrators?

How do I customize the home page first seen by users?

Customize the entire system interface

How do I create new agent icons?

How do I upload my custom Agent icons into the Kaseya server to deploy to my managed machines?

I created custom agent icons and deployed a new Agent installation, but my icons are not showing up in the system tray of the managed machine.  How do I proceed?

When will my custom icons be deployed?

How do I update existing Agents with my new custom agent icons?

How do I customize the home page first seen by administrators?

To customize the Function List on the home page first seen by administrators:

  1. Click on the link Customize the function list first seen by administrators after logon.  A customization web page will open in a new browser window.

  2. Click the Category button at the bottom of the page to create a new category label in the Function List.  This change is applied immediately.

  3. Click the Link button at the bottom of the page to create a new link in the Function List.  This change is applied immediately.

  4. Click the delete icon to remove a category label or link from the Function List.  This change is applied immediately.

  5. Click the up and down arrow icons to move a category label or link up or down in the Function List.  This change is applied immediately.

  6. In the left text box of each row, enter the name of the category label or link to be shown in the Function List.

  7. In the right text box of each row, enter the URL to direct the browser when the link is selected from the Function List.

  8. Click the Update button at the top of the page to apply the text settings.

  9. Click the Default button at the top of the page restore the default settings for the home page seen by administrators. This change is applied immediately.

  10. Click the Close link at the top of the page to exit the customization web page.

How do I customize the home page first seen by users?

To customize the Function List on the home page first seen by users:

  1. Click on the link Customize the function list first seen by users after logon.   A customization web page will open in a new browser window.

  2. Enter the URL to place in the top most frame of the web page in the URL of top frame field.

  3. Click the Category button at the bottom of the page to create a new category label in the Function List.  This change is applied immediately.

  4. Click the Link button at the bottom of the page to create a new link in the Function List.  This change is applied immediately.

  5. Click the delete icon to remove a category label or link from the Function List.  This change is applied immediately.

  6. Click the up and down arrow icons to move a category label or link up or down in the Function List.  This change is applied immediately.

  7. In the left text box of each row, enter the name of the category label or link to be shown in the Function List.

  8. In the right text box of each row, enter the URL to direct the browser when the link is selected from the Function List.

  9. Enter the height in pixels of the top most frame of the web page in the Top frame height field.

  10. Enter the text first shown to users on the web page in the Default text displayed on the user welcome page text box.

  11. Click the Update button to apply the text settings.

  12. Click the Default button to restore the default settings home page first seen by users. The default setting will remove all additional categories and links.

  13. Click the Close link at the top of the page to exit the customization web page.

Note: The header on this page is used for both the administrator and user logon page.

Customize the entire system interface

Click Customize the Kaseya graphical user interface to change the entire look of all the web pages. In addition to changing the color scheme, you have full ability to customize the top frame of the interface. You can also swap out the Kaseya agent icon displayed in the system tray of each managed machine with your own icon.

Note: Full customization is only available in the Enterprise Edition.

How do I create new agent icons?

You must create four icons in the Windows icon format to incorporate your brand into the Agent icon shown in the system tray of each managed client machine.  These four icons must be named:

To create an icon in the Windows format, use an editor such as one in the Microsoft Visual Studio development environment.  Use the following steps create your own Agent icons:

  1. Select New… from the File menu in Microsoft Visual Studio

  2. Select the File tab

  3. Click the Icon File type in the pane under the File tab

  4. Uncheck the Add to Project check box since this new file will be standalone

  5. Enter a filename, such as online.ico, and location for the file

  6. Click the OK button

  7. Edit the standard 32x32 icon device and save it.

Note: Full customization is only available in the Enterprise Edition.

How do I upload my custom Agent icons into the Kaseya server to deploy to my managed machines?

Use the following steps to upload your own Agent icons into the Kaseya server:

  1. Click on the System tab

  2. Select Login Policy function

  3. Click the link labeled “Customize the Kaseya graphical user interface.”

  4. In the configuration window that pops up, scroll to the bottom of the page to use the “Browse…” and “Change Image” buttons to select and update the Agent icon images for each of the following items labeled:

  1. Agent system tray icon when agent is online (must be .ico format)

  2. Agent system tray icon when agent is offline (must be .ico format)

  3. Agent system tray icon when agent is blinking (must be .ico format)

  4. Agent system tray icon when remote control is disabled (must be .ico format)

The Agent will display the default Kaseya icons if any of the custom icons are omitted.

I created custom agent icons and deployed a new Agent installation, but my icons are not showing up in the system tray of the managed machine.  How do I proceed?

The custom icon will fail to load if it is not properly formatted for such reasons as:

When will my custom icons be deployed?

The custom icons are automatically deployed with all new Agent installation packages.  If you have an Agent installation package deployed using a domain login script, then you must download and replace the KcsSetup.exe file residing on the domain server.

How do I update existing Agents with my new custom agent icons?

Schedule an Agent update using the Update Agent function under the Agent tab.   You will need to check the "Force update" check box to update Agents that are already at the current version.

Explanation of items on this page

The Login Policy function is used to specify the number of bad logins allowed before an account is disabled. Enter the number of failed logins allowed before and administrator account is disabled. Also enter a selected length of time an administrator account is disabled after a preset number of failed logins are exceeded.

The following elements are displayed in the Login Policy function:

Specify the bad login attempt policy


Minutes of inactivity before an administrator session expires

When you log in the system keeps track of activity from this administrator. After a programmable amount of inactivity, the session expires.

Define navigation links on the home page