System > Configure

Show me an explanation of the items on this page.

How do I change the IP address/host name of the server?

The client machines must be able to resolve the IP address/host name of the system in order for the Agents to properly check-in with the system server.

The exposed IP address/host name can be changed by:

  1. Enter an IP address or host name in the text box titled "Change external name / IP address of Server".

  2. Press Change name/IP.

The IP address/host name is changed.

Note: Do NOT use computer name for your server. The Agent utilizes standard WinSock calls to resolve a fully qualified hostname into an IP address, which is used for all Agent connections.  Resolving a computer name into an IP address is done by NETBIOS, which may or may not be enabled on each computer, using NETBIOS over TCP/IP or the LMHOSTS file or other method.  NETBIOS is an optional last choice that the Windows will attempt to use to resolve a name.  Therefore, only fully qualified names or IP addresses are supported.

How long are database backups kept?

Database backups older than three times the backup and maintenance period are discarded automatically to prevent your disk drive from filling up. For example, if the backup occurs every 7 days, any backup older than 21 days is deleted. Backup database files are stored in the BACKUP directory with the database (typically C:\Kaseya\UserProfiles\@dbBackup\).

How do I update the system software?

To see if a newer version of system software is available for download, press CHECK FOR UPDATE. If a newer version is available, the update is automatically downloaded. You are then shown a list of the update's changed and modifications, and are asked whether the update should be applied immediately or at a later time.

The current version of the software is shown in the Version Number field.

How do I apply the last downloaded version of the system software?

The most recent version of system software can be re-installed by pressing RE-APPLY DATABASE. This is convenient, especially if you are having problems with the software and you want to perform a re-install.

How do I send a test email from the system?

To confirm that the system can send an email, click the Test button to specify a recipient’s email address.  Click the OK button to send the email to the specified email address.  Click Cancel to abort.  The system uses the Default SMTP Virtual Server to send email.  This service must be installed and running in order to send email.  The service must also be able to resolve DNS addresses to route email to other SMTP servers.  If you suspect that you are not receiving emails from the VSA server, send test emails to various recipient addresses to confirm whether the Default SMTP Virtual Server can send email or is unable to resolve to a specific domain.

Explanation of items on this page

The Server Info function displays important information about the system server and Service. General maintenance information is displayed and configuration settings can easily be set on the Server Info screen. Updates to the system software can be applied automatically.

The following elements are displayed in the Server Info function:  

Version Number

Shows the version number of the sytem software and the hotfix level of your system. To check to see if a new update exists for the Kaseya Server Service, press CHECK FOR UPDATE. The server will check the Master Server to see if a new update exists; if an update exists, a message will alert the administrator that an update is currently available and will be applied at the next master administrator login. An update is only downloaded if the version currently running is older than the version available. Otherwise, no action is performed.

Pressing RE-APPLY DATABASE reinstalls the last database schema that was downloaded using the CHECK FOR UPDATE feature.

Warn if the VSA cannot get updates from on port 5721

Your VSA connects back to to fetch the latest Hotfix Checker list, the latest PCI ID list used by audit, and VSA software update notifications. Your VSA attempts to automatically fetch this information from on port 5721. Please verify that port 5721 outbound is not blocked by your firewall.

Manually apply hotfixes here

Kaseya frequently posts hotfixes to correct small problems in the latest release. Each KServer connects back to once every day to check for new hotfixes. The KServer automatically downloads and applies hotfixes without any user interaction.

If your system is not connecting to the internet or can not reach, then click this list.

The hotfix mechanism addresses minor issues only. Typically either cosmetic typos, or ASP page errors. The KServer, Agents, or database schema are never updated via hotfix. Any changes effecting system operation go into full product updates that you can approve or not. Hotfixs just correct minor issues without having to wait for the release cycle.

Warn when the VSA license reaches the maximum number of seats

Check this box to display a warning when the number of machine accounts reaches the maximum for your VSA.

NOTE: Each installed agent counts against your license for 30 days. If you uninstall an agent, it will count against your license for 30 more days.

Specify VSA Alert Email Address

Specifies the "From:" email address used in the Alerts function of the System feature tab. The email address entered must contain a resolvable domain name that supports SMTP. Press SET EMAIL to apply the email address entered. Verify the VSA can send email from this address by pressing the TEST button and enter an address to send an email to.

Perform database backup and maintenance every X Days @ 2:00 AM

The VSA automatically backups and maintains the MS-SQL database and transaction log for you. Set the frequency of the maintenance here. Backups are scheduled to run at 2:00AM because it may take a while to complete. If your VSA server is shut down at the scheduled backup time, the backup will occur the next time the VSA goes online.

Backup folder on DB server

Set a path to a directory to store database backups in. Backup database files are typically stored in C:\Kaseya\UserProfiles\@dbBackup.

Change DB

Connect your server to a database on a different machine by following these steps:

  1. Backup your existing database by clicking Backup Now.

  2. Copy the database backup file to the server running the database you wish to connect to.

  3. Verify you new database is set to mixed mode authentication.

    1. Open the SQL Enterprise Manager

    2. Right click the database and select properties

    3. Click the Security tab

    4. Under authentication, select SQL Server and Windows

    5. Click OK

  4. Verify your server is on the same LAN as your new database server and port 1433 is open on the database server.

  5. Click the Change DB button.

  6. Enter the database location using one of the following formats:

  7. Enter a database login name. (Default login name is "sa")

  8. Enter the password associated with this login name.

  9. Click the Apply button. The system then connects to the remote database and configures it.

  10. Click the restore button to load the data from the back up file you made in step one into your new database.

Note: This login is only used to configure the database. The system creates its own database login to use going forward.

Backup Now

Initiate a full database backup now. Use this function when you plan to shut down or move your VSA server in order to always have the latest VSA data saved to a backup.  The backup will be scheduled to run within the next 2 minutes.


Restores the VSA's database from a backup file. Clicking restore displays a list of VSA database backup files the VSA can see (a browse button is also available to locate files stored elsewhere).

Service Status

Shows the current status of the System Server Service (Running or Stopped). The Service can be stopped by pressing STOP SERVICE.

View Log

Displays the last 200 kbytes of the KServer's log file. The entire log file is up to 5 Mbytes in size and is located in at xx\KServer\KServer.log where xx is the parent directory of the VSA web directory.

Select time format

Click the appropriate radio button to select am/pm time display (the default) or 24-hour time display.

am/pm format looks like this -> 9:55:50 pm 9-Apr-05

24-hour format looks like this -> 21:55:50 9-Apr-05

Note: both these display formats are compatible with Microsoft Excel

Change external name/IP address of System Server

Shows the current external name or IP address of the System Server. This is the address client machines access for check-in purposes. The address can be changed by inputting a new address or host name in the field and pressing CHANGE NAME/IP.

Change System Server Port

Specify a port used by the Agents to check into the KServer on. Clicking the CHANGE PORT button switches the port the KServer listens for agent check-ins on immediately.  Before you change the server port be sure that all the agents are listening for this port as their primary or secondary KServer. Configure the Agents with the Check-in Control under the Agent tab.

License Code

Shows the current license code of the System and its current expiration date. If a new code is obtained, enter the new code and press UPDATE CODE. The terms of the license agreement can be read by pressing SHOW LICENSE.

Update Code

Press this button to enter a new product license code.

Subscription Expiration Date

Shows the current expiration date of the system running with the current license code.

Release Notes

Pressing RELEASE NOTES opens up a new browser window that lists the changes and enhancements made in the last version of software released. Changes and enhancements made in previous versions of VSA are also listed.

Number of Machines Under Management

Shows the number of machines that the server is currently managing.

Max Number of Machines Supported

Shows the number of machines that the server is capable of administering with the current license code.