Set the due date for each new ticket based on field values. Any combination of list fields may be defined to set a due date. This allows you to set a ticket due date based on the urgency of the ticket and a guaranteed level of service. For example, define a new field named Service Level with the following list items: Premium, Standard, Economy. Create different due date policies for each combination such as
Set resolution time to 1 hr when Priority = High and Service Level = Premium
Set resolution time to 7 days when Priority = Normal and Service Level = Economy
When a new ticket gets created, the due date is set by adding the number of hours in the policy to the current time.
Default time to resolve tickets with no policy
When new tickets are created that do not match any policy, then the due date is set to this number of hours plus the current time.
Policy Name
Give the policy any name you wish
When new tickets are created that match the field values in this policy, then the due date is set to this number of hours plus the current time.
A column for each defined list field contains the value for the associated policy.