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Filter Aggregate Table

The Filter Aggregate Table lists over 75 agent and managed machine attributes that can be used to further refine a view definition.

Warning: You must enter a space character to separate the operator from the data in a filter entry. For example, the filter entry >= 500 includes a space character just after the equal sign.

Advanced filtering lets you design complex searches to isolate data to just those values you want. Enter filter strings into the same edit fields you enter filter text. Advanced filtering supports the following operations:

White Space

To search for white space in a string, enclose the string in double quotes.

For example: "Microsoft Office*" OR *Adobe*

Nested operators

All equations are processed from left to right. Use parenthesis to override these defaults.

For example: (("* adobe " OR *a*) AND *c*) OR NOT *d* AND < m


Search for a string not containing the match data.

For example: NOT *Microsoft*   returns all non-Microsoft applications.


Use the logical AND operator to search for data that must contain multiple values but can appear in different places in the string.

For example: Microsoft* AND *Office*  returns all items that contain both Microsoft and Office in any order.


Use the logical OR operator to search for data that may contain multiple values but must contain at least one.

For example: *Microsoft* OR *MS* returns all items that contain either Microsoft and MS in any order.

<, <= (Less than or less than or equal to)

Returns all data whose value is numerically less than, if a number. If this is alphabetic data then it returns all strings appearing earlier in the alphabet.

For example:   < G*  returns all applications starting with a letter less than "G".

For example: < 3 returns all values numerically less than "3".

Note: Ensure a space exists between the < operator and the value being compared.

Note: Dates may also be tested for but must be in the following format: YYYYMMDD HH:MM:SS where YYYY is a four digit year, MM is a two digit month (01 to 12), DD is a two digit day (01 - 31), HH is a two digit hour (00 - 23), MM is a two digit minute (00 - 59), and SS is a two digit second (00 - 59). HH:MM:SS is optional. Date and time are separated with a space. Remember that all white space must be enclosed in double quotes.

For example:    < "20040607 07:00:00"  returns all dates earlier than 7:00 on 7 June 2004.

>, >= (Greater than or greater than or equal to)

Returns all data whose value is numerically greater than, if a number. If this is alphabetic data then it returns all strings appearing after it in the alphabet.

For example:  > G*  returns all applications starting with a letter greater than "G".

For example: > 3 returns all values numerically greater than "3".