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Process Status

The Process Status tab defines alarm conditions based on whether a process has started or stopped on a machine ID.

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Add / Edit

Click Add or the edit icon to maintain a Process Status record.

  1. Process - Selects the process to be monitored from the drop-down list. The drop-down list is based on the "master list" maintained using the Monitor Lists page. If a process does not display in the drop-down list, you can add it manually using Add Process. You can also update the "master list" by scanning specific machine IDs using Update Lists By Scan.
  2. Description - Describes the process and the reason for monitoring.
  3. Alarm on Transition - Triggers an alarm when a process (application) is started or stopped.
  4. Ignore additional alarms for - Suppresses additional alarms for the specified time period.


Click the delete icon to delete a Process Status record.


Save changes to a Process Status record.


Ignore changes to a Process Status record and return to the Process Status list.