Email ReaderThe Email Reader page specifies a POP3 email account to periodically poll. Email messages retrieved from the POP3 server are classified by Email Mapping and converted into tickets. Contents of Email The Email Reader can receive any email, with or without attachments, and add the contents to the ticketing system. Additional information can be added to the email to enhance the mapping of the email to the ticketing system. The following tags can be included in either the subject or the body of the email.
Email Address Enter the email address you wish to retrieve email messages from periodically. Replies to this email address are in turn processed by the ticketing system and added as notes to the relevant ticket. Disable email reader Check this box to prevent the email reader component from polling a server. View Log Click View Log to review the polling log for this email reader. Host Name The name of the POP3 host service is needed. POP3 is the only email protocol supported. An example is Port Provide the port number used by the POP3 service. Typically non-SSL POP3 ports are 110 and SSL POP3 ports are 995. Use SSL Check this box to enable SSL communications with your POP server. Your POP server must support SSL to use this feature. Typically, SSL enabled POP3 servers use port 995. Logon Enter the email account name. Password Enter the email account password. Check for new emails every N minutes The number of minutes the Email Reader should wait before polling the POP3 server for new emails. Filter Emails Enter text to reject inbound emails containing this text in the subject line. Matching is case insensitive. Create multiple filters using multiple lines. Multiple filters act as an OR statement. Surround whole words with spaces on both sides of each word. Example:
Apply Click Apply to begin using the email reader. Connect Now Click Connect Now to connect to the POP3 server immediately instead of waiting for the next polling time. This can be used to test your configuration of the email reader. | |||
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