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User Access

The User Access page determines whether users can perform the following tasks from their own machine or from another machine using the User Access Welcome Page:

  • Remote control or FTP their own managed machine from another machine. This is the same remote control capability administrators have, except it restricts users to their own machine.
  • Initiate a chat session with a KServer administrator from their own machine or any other machine.

    Note: An administrator can always initiate a chat session with a user regardless of this setting.

  • Create or display tickets for their own machine or any other machine.
  • Use any other menu option on the User Access Welcome Page from another machine as though they were currently logged into their own managed machine. For example, send email.

    Note: Remote Cntl, Ticketing and Chat must be enabled using this page for these options to be visible on the User Access Welcome Page.

    Note: You can download a User Access Quick Start Guide from the first topic of online help.

Accessing the User Access Welcome Page Remotely

A user can display the User Access Welcome Page associated with their own machine from another machine as follows:

  1. Log into http://your_KServer_address/access/ page, substituting the appropriate target KServer name for your_KServer_address in the URL text.

    Note: This is the same page that administrators use to log into the KServer.

  2. Log into the KServer by entering either:
    • The machine ID and the password assigned to the machine ID using this page, or
    • The user name and password assigned to the machine ID using this page.

      The User Access Welcome Page displays. The user can click any menu option as though he or she were logged in from their own managed machine. The user can click the Desktop or File Transfer menu options to initiate a remote connection to their own machine, create or view ticket, or initiate a chat, if these options are enabled.

Re-Enabling User Logons

User logons follow the same Logon Policy as administrator logons. If a user attempts to logon too many times with the wrong password their account will automatically be disabled. You can re-enable the logon by setting a new password or waiting for the disable account time to lapse.

Generating a New User Access Password

If a user has forgotten their user access password, they can generate a new password as follows:

  1. Log into http://your_KServer_address/access/ page, substituting the appropriate target KServer name for your_KServer_address in the URL text.

    Note: This is the same page that administrators use to log into the KServer.

  2. Enter their user name in the Username field.
  3. Click the Get New Password menu option.

    A new random password is sent to the user email address of record for the managed machine. This user email address is set using the Contact Email field in Agent > Edit Profile.

Customizing the User Access Welcome Page

Master administrators can customize the web page seen by users using System > Customize, adding their company's logo, look, and feel to the web experience for their users.

Logon Name

Enter the Logon Name the user must use to log into the KServer to initiate chat sessions, enter or view tickets and/or get remote access to their machine. Logon names and passwords are case sensitive. Passwords must be at least six characters long. if no logon name is specified, then the Logon Name defaults to the name

Note: All logon names must be unique in the system. Since users may also logon using their machine ID, logon names, machine IDs, and administrator names must all be unique.

Create Password, Confirm Password

Define a password for the user logon. Passwords must be at least 6 characters long. The user can change the password after the administrator assigns him one. See Generating a New User Access Password above.


Click Apply to apply the logon name and password to the selected machine ID.


Permanently remove the logon credential from the selected machine ID.

Machine.Group ID

The list of Machine ID.Group IDs displayed is based on the Machine ID / Group ID filter and the machine groups the administrator is authorized to see using System > Group Access.

Logon Name

The logon name assigned to this machine ID. Users that have been granted remote access to their machine may logon using either their machine ID or logon name.

User Web Logon

Displays Enabled if a logon name and password has been assigned to this machine ID, even if Remote Cntl, FTP and Chat are not checked. Indicates that a user can log into the user page from a web browser on any machine. They can always get to that same page by double clicking the agent icon on their own machine or selecting Contact Administrator... from the agent menu.

Enable Remote Cntl

Check this box to allow users remote control access to their machine when they log on to the VSA through any web browser.

Enable Ticketing

Check this box to allow users to create and modify tickets for their own machines. Users can only see tickets assigned to their machine.

Enable Chat

Check this box to allow users to initiate a chat session with a logged in administrator. They will only be able to chat with administrators that have access rights to the group ID that the user's machine belongs to.