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The Statistics page displays various statistics to provide an indication that the KServer is running optimally. The statistics shown are not affected by the machine ID/group ID filter setting.

Agents currently online

Number of agents currently checking into the system.

Total Licenses Used

Number of licenses used.

Total Template Accounts

Number of machine ID templates defined.

Total Machine IDs

Number of machine IDs defined on the KServer, whether their agents have ever checked in or not. Total Licenses Used + Total Template Accounts = Total Machine IDs.

KServer CPU usage

over the last 5 minutes: x%
long term average: x%  

Total System CPU usage

over the last 5 minutes: x%
long term average: x%  

Remote Control Sessions

The number of remote control sessions relayed through the KServer that are currently active.

Pending Alerts

Alerts are processed by the background task every two minutes. This number shows how many alerts are backed up waiting to be processed by your system. If more than 0 alerts are pending, a button appears labeled Clear Alerts appears. Click this button to clear out all pending alerts.

Event log entries last hour

Click Check to compute the number of event log entries in the last hour for all online managed machines and identify the machine ID that captured the most number of events.

Database Location

Displays the type of database

Database Size

Total size of your database. Typical systems consume about 1 to 2 MB of database size per machine ID.

Database File Path

Full path to the database on the database server machine.

Kaseya File Path

Full path on the Kaseya server to the location of it system files.

Statistics Collected

Active connections - Number of managed machines that currently have active connections to the KServer.

New connections in last 10 seconds - Number of new TCP/IP connections accepted by the KServer. Agents using a connection established during a prior check-in do not contribute to this count.

Checkin message queue length - Number of check-in messages waiting for processing by the KServer.

Command message queue length - Number of messages, other than check-in, waiting for processing by the KServer.

Bandwidth - received bytes/second - Bytes per second input into the KServer agent port.

Bandwidth - sent bytes/second - Bytes per second output from the KServer agent port.

Database CPU utilization - This number indicates the percentage of CPU utilization by the database server at the time specified.  Excessively high values for prolonged periods may be an indication that this server is underpowered or could benefit from additional RAM.

Total connections processed since KServer start - This number indicates the total agent connections processed by the KServer since the service last started.

Event log entries received in last minute - The number of event log entries received in the last minute for the entire system.

Event log entries received in last five minutes - The number of event log entries received in the last five minutes for the entire system.

Event log entries received in last hour - The number of event log entries received in the last hour for the entire system.

Top scripts run in the last hour

This table lists the scripts that have run and completed execution on all online machines in the last hour, with the greatest frequency listed first.

Top scripts pending (online machines only)

This table lists the scripts waiting to execute on all online machines, with the greatest frequency listed first.