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The Software page generates a report displaying a summary of applications present on all selected machines. Each report uses data collected from the latest audit to display the state of each group's software installed base.

Types of Software Reports

There are four primary report types:

  • All Applications
  • Add/Remove Programs
  • Software Licenses
  • Summary Licenses
  • Operating Systems

All Applications

Generates a table showing each unique application found on all machines by audit. The total number of unique copies of the application are also listed. You can optionally show or hide each column of data. Hiding a column may reduce the number of rows reported if the uniqueness of the data drops. For instance, your report may show 50 copies of an application with v2.0.1 and 127 copies of the same application with v2.8. If you hide the version, by unchecking the box, then the report lists 177 copies of that application. The All Application report lists:

  • Applications - The application name (theApp.exe)
  • Product Name - Product name string as provided by the software vendor.
  • Description - Software description string as provided by the software vendor.
  • Manufacturer - The software vendor name
  • Version - Software version number.

Checking Show unregistered applications lists all the unregistered applications in addition to registered applications. Registered applications place an App Paths key in the registry identifying the location of their main executable. Sorting on this value is a good way to separate main applications from all the helper and secondary applications.

If List machine IDs that contain each application is checked then the machine ID of each machine containing the application is listed.

Note: Click the Advanced... link to learn about filtering options.

Add/Remove Programs

Generates a table listing the list of add/remove programs found in a group of machines discovered by audit. If List machine IDs that contain each application is checked then the machine ID of each machine containing the add/remove program is listed.

Note: Click the Advanced... link to learn about filtering options.

Software Licenses

Generates a table listing the number of software licenses found in a group of machines discovered by audit. This report lists the total number of licenses and the number of unique licenses found across all machines. In addition, Software Licenses lists:

  • Publisher - The software vendor name
  • Title - The software title for each license found.

If List machine IDs is checked then the machine ID of each machine containing the application is listed. If List license codes, product keys, and machine IDs is checked, then license codes and product keys installed are each machine are displayed.

Note: Click the Advanced... link to learn about filtering options.

License Summary

Generates a table summarizing the licenses on all machines in a group or view. This report presents four tables of information summarizing the following:

  • Servers - Lists all server types found and the number of machines running that server OS.
  • Workstations - Lists all workstation types found and the number of machines running that workstation OS.
  • Microsoft Office Licenses - Lists the number of machines with each version of Microsoft Office loaded.
  • Other Applications - Summarizes the number of machines with each application license found that is not contained in the first 3 tables.

Note: Click the Advanced... link to learn about filtering options.

Operating Systems

Charts a composite view of all operating systems found on all machine IDs.

Note: Each machine reports its operating system type and version with each check-in. Audit does not have to complete to obtain operating system information. Therefore, the number of operating systems reported by this report may be higher than the number of licenses reported for that operating system if all machines have not completed an audit.

Three Operating System report styles are available:

  • Pie chart
  • Bar chart
  • Table

Machine ID / Group ID Filter Settings in Reports

Reports are saved with the Machine ID / Group ID filter settings that were current at the time the report was first saved or last updated. These saved or updated filter settings are used when a report is run, regardless of the current machine ID/group ID filter settings. Once a report has been saved, the Update button displays just below the field used to enter the title of the report. Click Update to apply the latest machine ID / group ID filter settings to a saved report. The machine ID / group ID filter settings of a saved report can be overridden using Schedule Reports.

Running the Report

  1. Select the data you want to display in the report.
  2. Enter the title of the report.
  3. Either run the report or export the report to HTML, Word or Excel output.

Report Access

Select Shared or Private to assign access to a report. By default, Private access is selected. Private reports can only be viewed and run by the administrator that created the report. Shared reports can be viewed and run by all administrators. Saved reports are identified as either private or shared in the left-hand navigation pane.


Click Save to save the current settings.

Save As...

Click Save as... to save the current report under a new name.


Click Rename... to rename the report.


Click Delete... to delete the report.

Enter title displayed on report header

Enter the title that displays at the top of the report.


Click Run... to run the report using the report options previously selected.

Save the report as HTML, Word or Excel

Click Export... to display the report as HTML, Word or Excel output. If you do not have Excel or Word loaded on your local machine, the page displays as plain HTML.

Remove header from the exported report

If checked, the title, report date and machine filter information do not display at the top of the exported output.