Configuring the Server
The server is the heart of the system. Administrators access all functions through this server's web interface. The agents, on all managed machines, connect to this server to get any instructions/tasking orders.
Your server must be accessible to both administrators and agents.
Administrators and agents need to be able to connect back to the server from anywhere on the internet. Verify your server meets the following requirements:
- Public server name/IP address - Define a public IP address for your server. If your server is behind a gateway on a private network, your VSA may be using the private IP address. Long term it is better to use a name instead of an IP address. Using a name lets you change the IP address without having to re-configure any agents. Set the name/IP address of the VSA using System > Configure.
- Open required ports at the firewall - Administrators access the VSA through the web interface (typically port 80). Agents connect to the server on a separate port (default port 5721). Both these port must be opened at your firewall for TCP/IP traffic. The agent port (5721) must be open for both inbound and outbound.
- Verify localhost access for the web server - Several VSA services depend on localhost access. Typically localhost access can be enabled by:
- Opening the IIS Enterprise Manager.
- Right clicking the Default Web Site and selecting Properties.
- Clicking the Web Site tab.
- Verifying the IP Address field is set to
(All Unassigned) .
- Specify the alert email sender address - The VSA sends alerts via email. Emails are sent from your server using the built-in SMTP service. You can set the address these emails come from to any valid email address using System > Configure. The default email address is
Note: For the latest instructions on migrating an existing KServer to a new machine see the article How do I move my Kaseya Server to a new computer? (270436) in the Kaseya Support Knowledge Base Portal.