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The Alerts page enables you to quickly define alerts for typical alarm conditions found in an IT environment. For example, low disk space is frequently a problem on managed machines. Selecting the Low Disk type of alarm displays a single additional field that lets you define the % free space threshold. Once defined, you can apply this alarm immediately to any machine ID displayed on the Alerts page and specify the response to the alarm.

Note: Monitor Sets represent a more complex method for monitoring alarm conditions. Typical alarm conditions should be defined using the Alerts page.

Select Alert Function

Select an alert type using the Select Alert Function drop-down list.

Group Alarms

Alert, system check, and log monitoring alarms are automatically assigned to a group alarm category. If an alert alarm is triggered, the group alarm it belongs to is triggered as well. The group alarm categories for monitor sets and SNMP sets are manually assigned when the sets are defined. Group alarms display in the Group Alarm Status dashlet of the Monitor > Dashboard List page. You can create new groups using the Group Alarm Column Names tab in Monitor > Monitor Lists.

Machine Summary Alerts Tab

The Machine Summary page provides, in summary fashion, all the information available for a single machine. Typically you display this page by clicking the check-in status icon—for example, the icon—next to any machine ID. One of the tabs provided is the Alerts tab. You can use this tab to quickly review, enable, or disable all the alerts applied to a single machine.

To Create An Alert

The same general procedure applies to all alert types.

  1. Select an alert function from the Select Alert Function drop down list.
  2. Check any of these checkboxes to perform their corresponding actions when a an alarm condition is encountered:
    • Create Alarm
    • Create Ticket
    • Run Script
    • Email Recipients
  3. Set additional email parameters.
  4. Set additional alert-specific parameters. These differ based on the alert function selected.
  5. Check the paging rows to apply the alert to.
  6. Click the Apply button.

To Cancel an Alert

  1. Select one or more paging rows.
  2. Click the Clear button.

    The alert information listed next to the paging row is removed.