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License Manager

The License Manager page enables a master administrator to allocate machine licenses by group ID. The total number of licenses allocated to a group ID can be distributed between the group itself and any subgroups defined for that group ID. Typically, a group ID represents a single customer and a subgroup represents a customer location. Types of licenses managed include:

  • Agent licenses
  • Backup and disaster recovery (BUDR) licenses for workstations
  • Backup and disaster recovery licenses for servers
  • Endpoint Security licenses
  • User State Management licenses

    Note: Endpoint Security licenses only display on this page if you have separately purchased the Kaseya Endpoint Security addon module.

    Note: User State Management licenses only display on this page if you have separately purchased the Kaseya User State Management addon module.

Agent License Counts

The following events affect agent license counts:

  • An "unused" agent license is changed to "used" if a machine ID account is created and the agent installed.
  • If the agent is deleted but not the account, the agent license is still considered "used".
  • If the account is deleted, regardless of what happens to the agent, the agent license goes back to "unused".
  • If an account is created, but the agent is not yet installed the first time, the account is called a machine ID template. Machine ID template accounts are not counted as "used" until you install the agent.

Update Code...

Click the Update Code... to enter a new license code or reapply your existing license code.

Expiration Date

Shows the current expiration date of running the system "as is" with the current license code.

Maintenance Expiration Date

Shows the current expiration date of maintenance services, including upgrades, hotfixes and access to tech support.

Apply Limit

  • The Apply Limit table shows the number of licences used and the maximum number of licenses available for agents, BUDR workstation, BUDR servers, and Endpoint Security. You can control the number of licenses of each type assigned to selected groups using the following radio options:
  • No change
  • Limit to a fixed number of licenses
  • Unrestricted

Click Apply Limit to assign these license settings to selected group IDs.

Select All/Unselect All

Click the Select All link to check all rows on the page. Click the Unselect All link to uncheck all rows on the page.

Machine Group

Lists machine groups. All machine IDs are associated with a group ID and optionally a subgroup ID.

Licenses Used / Max

Lists the number of licenses used and the maximum number of licenses allocated for each group ID, for:

  • Agent licenses
  • BUDR workstation licenses
  • BUDR server licenses
  • Endpoint Security licenses
  • User State Management licenses