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Admin Role Policy

The Admin Role Policy page determines how you want to notify users that a remote control session to their machine is about to begin. Policies are applied by administrator roles.

Note: See Machine Policy to apply remote control notification policies by machine ID. Machine policy takes precedence over administrator role policy.


Click Apply to apply policy parameters to selected machine IDs.

Select User Notification Type

  • Silently take control - Do not tell the user anything. Take control immediately and silently.
  • If user logged in display alert - Display notification alert text. The alert text can be edited in the text box below this option.
  • If user logged in ask permission - Ask the user if it is alright to begin a remote control session. The ask permission text can be edited in the text box below this option. Remote control can not proceed until the user clicks the Yes button. If nothing is clicked after one minute, No is assumed and the VSA removes the dialog box from the target machine. If no user is logged in, proceed with the remote control session.
  • Require Permission. Denied if no one logged in - Ask the user if it is alright to begin a remote control session. The ask permission text can be edited in the text box below this option. Remote control can not proceed until the user clicks the Yes button. If nothing is clicked after one minute, No is assumed and the VSA removes the dialog box from the target machine. The remote control session is cancelled.

Notify user when session terminates.

Check this box to notify the user when the session terminates.

Session Termination Message

Displays only if the Notify user when session terminates box is checked. Modify the default message if necessary. The <admin> variable is the only variable that can be used in this message.

Notification Alert Text / Ask Permission Text

Displays only if the Select User Notification Type is not Silently take control. Modify the default message if necessary. The <admin> variable is the only variable that can be used in this message.


Click Remove to clear policy parameters from selected machine IDs.

Require admin note to start remote control

Click this box to require administrators to enter a note before starting the remote control session. The note is included in the remote control log and is not displayed to the user.

Select All/Unselect All

Click the Select All link to check all rows on the page. Click the Unselect All link to uncheck all rows on the page.


Click the delete icon next to an administrator role to clear the policy.

Edit Icon

Click a row's edit icon to populate header parameters with values from that row. You can edit these values in the header and re-apply them.

Role Name

The list of administrator roles.


The remote control policy applied to an administrator role.


The Session Termination Message applied to an administrator role.