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Methods of Updating Patches

The VSA provides five methods of applying Microsoft patches to managed machines:

  • Initial Update is a one-time processing of all approved Microsoft patches applicable to a managed machine based on Patch Policy. Initial Update ignores the Reboot Action policy and reboots the managed machine without warning the user as often as necessary until the machine has been brought up to the latest patch level. Initial Update should only be performed during non-business hours and is typically performed on newly added machines.
  • Automatic Update is the preferred method of updating managed machines on a recurring basis. Obeys both the Patch Policy and the Reboot Action policy.
  • Patch Update - If you're using Automatic Update, then Patch Update is used on an exception basis to apply individual patches to multiple machines or for patches that originally failed on certain machines. Overrides the Patch Policy but obeys the Reboot Action policy.
  • Machine Update - If you're using Automatic Update, then Machine Update is used on an exception basis to apply patches to individual machines. Overrides the Patch Policy but obeys the Reboot Action policy. Machine Update is often used to test a new patch prior to approving it for general release to all machines.
  • Patch Deploy - You can also use a user defined script to install a Microsoft patch using Scripts > Patch Deploy. Microsoft releases many hot fixes as patches for very specific issues that are not included in the Microsoft Update Catalog or in the Office Detection Tool, the two patch data sources the Patch Management module uses to manage patch updates. Patch Deploy enables customers to create a patch installation script for these hot fixes, via this wizard, that can be used to schedule the installation on any desired machine.

Note: You can install non-Microsoft applications using Scripts > Application Deploy. When a pre-defined install solution cannot be used, use Scripts > Packager to create a self-extracting file ready for automated distribution.

You can also cancel a pending patch installation or uninstall patches.

  • Cancel pending patch updates using Cancel Updates.
  • Use the Patch Update page to cancel the pending update of a specific patch on all machines.
  • Remove patches from managed machines using Rollback.