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Updates one or more fields of a ticket. Only fields listed on the Ticketing > Email Reader page can be updated.

Updating List Fields

In the example below the Origin field is a List type field with four possible values. A request passes the name of the field, Origin, and a number representing the position of the value in the list, counting from 1. For example, the value Phone is in the second position in the list, so the value passed to change the Origin field to Phone is 2.

Warning: Changing the order of field drop-down list values by re-sequencing them or by entering a new value in the middle of the list will change the value selected by the UpdateTicket operation. Ensure administrators are aware of this integration constraint before changes are made to Email Reader field values.

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Closing a Ticket

Updating a ticket can include closing a submitted MonitorTicketID by updating the Status field with a value of 3, which represents the third value in the Status field drop-down list. An example is shown below. Additional <TicketField> name/value elements could be added to the example below to update multiple fields.


Updating Other Types of Fields

The following other types of ticket fields can be updated:

  • String - Can contain any text up to 500 characters in length. Best used to hold things like problem location or other variables that do not belong in the summary line.
  • Integer - Can contain any positive or negative integer value.
  • Number (nn.d) - A number that always shows one digit to the right of the decimal point.
  • Number (nn.dd) - A number that always shows two digits to the right of the decimal point.
  • Number (nn.ddd)- A number that always shows three digits to the right of the decimal point.
  • Number (nn.dddd) - A number that always shows four digits to the right of the decimal point.

Returned Fields

A single record of the following fields is returned.



The operation that requested this response.



The unique message ID for this message.



If blank, no error was returned.



If blank, no error was returned.

Ticket Attachments

The VSA API Web Service cannot be used to get or update ticket file attachments. Ticket file attachments are typically located in C:\Kaseya\WebPages\ManagedFiles directory of the KServer. API developers are responsible for writing code to place attachment files in this directory before making Web Service API calls that reference these attachments.