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Set Password

The Set Password page changes a selected administrator's password. You can also optionally force administrators to change their passwords at the next logon.

Note: The logon policy for failed logons and password strength for all administrators is set using System > Logon Policy.


Administrators use the VSA application to maintain the KServer and oversee the monitoring of managed machines by the KServer and its agents. KServer management configuration and other specialized functions can only be performed by master administrators. Standard administrators are typically restricted to the administration and monitoring of managed machines. A background of two alternating shades of beige designates master administrators. A background of two alternating shades of grey designates standard administrators. Access to functions, machine groups and other policies are assigned by administrator role. Standard administrators can only see other administrators who are members of the same roles.

To change an administrator password:

  1. Select the radio button next to an administrator.
  2. Enter the new password in the New Password field.

    Note: If you would like the system to generate a strong password for you, click Suggest Password. A dialog box displays showing the new password; the new password is automatically entered in the Create Password and Confirm Password fields. Be sure to write it down before clicking OK and closing the dialog box.

  3. Confirm the password by re-entering it in the Confirm Password field.
  4. Click Change Password.

The password is changed. Don't forget to notify the administrator of the password change.

New Password

Enter a new password in the New Password field.

Confirm Password

Enter the same new password in the Confirm Password field.

Change Password

Click Change Password after entering the new password and confirmation. A dialog box indicates a successful password change.

Suggest Password

Click Suggest Password to generate a strong random password for better security.A dialog box displays showing the new password; the new password is automatically entered in the Create Password and Confirm Password fields. Be sure to write it down before clicking OK and closing the dialog box.

Clear Total

Clears all of the values shown in the Total Failed Logons column for selected machines.

Select Account

Select the administrator whose password you want to change.

Standard Admin/Master Admin

Lists all the administrators on the KServer. A background of two alternating shades of beige designates master administrators. A background of two alternating shades of grey designates standard administrators.

Failed Logons in a Row

Lists the number of failed logons in a row. This information is helpful in monitoring possible system security attacks. If the number of failed logons in a row exceeds the number specified in Logon Policy, the administrator's account is disabled for a set amount of time. The administrator's account can only be enabled by waiting the specified amount of time or by having another master administrator manually enable the account.  

Total Failed Logons

Lists the total number of failed logons attempted by an administrator.

Change Password At Next Logon

Click Force Change to force the administrator to change his or her password at the next logon.