Administrator NotesAdministrator Notes allows you to log what you did to a machine or group of machines into the system database. The next time you have a problem with any machine, check the notes and see what other VSA users have done on that machine. The system time-stamps each administrator note and associates the note with a VSA user name. Open the notes editor by clicking the Notes icon Note: You can print Administrator Notes using Info Center > Reports > Logs - Admin Notes. Machine.Group ID The list of Machine.Group IDs displayed is based on the Machine ID / Group ID filter and the machine groups the user is authorized to see using System > User Security > Scopes. Check the box in front of the machines you wish to apply the note to. Time Displays the time-stamp when the note was first entered. The time-stamp can be edited by clicking the edit icon Admin Logon name of the user that entered the note. If a different user edits the note, this field is updated with the new user's name. Delete the note Delete the note by clicking the delete icon Edit the note Change a note by clicking the edit icon Note Displays the user entered note for the selected machine. Notes per Page Number of notes to display at a time. Choices are 10, 30, and 100. | |||
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