Dashboard Settings
Info Center > Settings
Monitor > Dashboard Settings
- This page applies to the following products: On Premises, Kaseya Advanced, Kaseya Essentials, IT Center
The Settings page enables you to customize controls for dashlets.
- Turn notification sounds on or off for all popup monitoring windows - Applies only to the Monitor Set Status dashlet.
- The Chart Total Monitor Alarms and Chart Top N Monitor Alarms title and background colors are customizable. Each chart parameter is customizable, this includes the chart time interval and the number of machines referenced by the Chart Top N Monitor Alarms.
- The Customize machines online chart zone specifies two percentages to create three zones of machines online:
- The percentage of machines online, below which represents an alarm condition.
- The additional percentage of machines online, below which represents a warning condition.
- Show refresh time
- Custom Dashboard Skin - Select the border and titlebar style you want dashlets to display.