User Security
System > User Security
User Security determines the access users have to functions and data objects within the VSA. Understanding User Security configuration is easiest if you consider each of the following concepts in the order presented.
- Scope Data Objects - A data object is an object that you create and name. An example of a data object is a machine group. Some data objects are significant enough to be managed by scopes. Scope level data objects are defined first, before being assigned to scopes. Scope data objects include organizations, machine groups, machines, departments and service desks.
- Scopes - Sets of data objects that users have visibility of within the VSA.
- User Roles - Sets of VSA functions that VSA users can perform. A function acts on data objects. Examples of functions are opening, adding, editing or deleting records.
- User Role Types - Built-in classifications that determine the types of user-role-based licenses to apply to users in user roles.
- Machine Roles - Sets of Portal Access functions that machine users can perform when displaying the VSA Portal Access page on their machine.
- Machine Role Types - Built-in classifications that determines the type of machine-role-based licenses to apply to machines in a machine role.
- Users - Refers to VSA users. Users of machines with agents on them are always identified as machine users to distinguish them from VSA users.