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Software Management Error Codes


Old Message

Actual Message

Filter Name



Error on Endpoint: Error: Operation isn't supported: {requestOperation}

Error 1010: Operation isn't supported: {requestOperation}


OS patch request related


Error on Endpoint: Error: Unsupported OS: {os}

Error 1020: Unsupported OS: {os}

Error 1020: Unsupported OS.

If OS type is not MacOS or Windows


Error on Endpoint: Error: {SQLite related error}

Error 1030: {SQLite related error}

Error 1030: SQLite related error.

Error while getting or storing VsaUrl from/to SQLite DB


Error on Endpoint: Error: {Error thrown during getting request from VSA}

Error 1040: {Error thrown during getting request from VSA}

Error 1040: Error during getting request from VSA.

Includes HTTP code


Error on Endpoint: Error: {Error thrown during getting request JSON from VSA}

Error 1041: Error downloading the Request JSON file from VSA. {Inner Error}

Error 1041: Error downloading the Request JSON file from VSA.



Error on Endpoint: Error: Error downloading Kaseya 3PP binary files: {archiveName} does not exist

Error 1050: Error downloading Kaseya 3PP binary files: {archiveName} does not exist

Error 1050: Error downloading Kaseya 3PP binary files.



Error on Endpoint: Error: Property {property} is missing / wrong type

Error 1060: Property {property} is missing / wrong type

Error 1060: Response from VSA is not valid

Means that request from server is not valid


Error on Endpoint: Error: {SmPmBinariesExtractFailed}

Error 1070: {SmPmBinariesExtractFailed}

Error 1070: SMPM binaries extraction failed



Error on Endpoint: Error: {SendResultsToVsaError}

Error 1090: {SendResultsToVsaError}

Error 1090: Error during sending results to VSA



Error on Endpoint: Error: {ReadFileIntoJsonError}

Error 1100: {ReadFileIntoJsonError}

Error 1100: Can't read file into JSON



Error on Endpoint: Error: {CommonSmPmError}

Error 1110: {CommonSmPmError}

Error 1110: Unknown SM error

Unknown error during SmPm request processing


Error on Endpoint: Error: {CommonPmClientRequestError}

Error 1120: {CommonPmClientRequestError}

Error 1120: Unknown error during PM Client request processing


From PM Client Error On Endpoint : Unexpected error occurred during PmClient run. Exit code: Description: {text below}


Old Message

Actual Message

Filter Name


Syntax error in the command to be executed


Error 2001 :Syntax error in the command be executed

Error 2001 Syntax error in the command to be executed


Error from Windows Update API

Error 2002 : Error from Windows Update API

Error 2002 : Error from Windows Update API


Operation took too long to execute

Error 2004 : Operation took too long to execute

Error 2004 : Operation took too long to execute


Input file contains incorrect data

Error 2005: Input file contains incorrect data

Error 2005: Input file contains incorrect data


The code returned if reboot is required. It can be due to an installation or an uninstallation of an update.

Error 2008 : The code returned if reboot is required. It can be due to an installation or an uninstallation of an update.

Error 2008 : The code returned if reboot is required. It can be due to an installation or an uninstallation of an update.


Provided list of updates does not contain updates that are available to install (i.e. there are no applicable updates on the endpoint from this list)

Error 2100 : Provided list of updates does not contain updates that are available to install (i.e. there are no applicable updates on the endpoint from this list)

Error 2100 : Provided list of updates does not contain updates that are available to install (i.e. there are no applicable updates on the endpoint from this list)


Update sent to Uninstall command can not be uninstalled

Error 2101 : Update sent to Uninstall command can not be uninstalled

Error 2101 : Update sent to Uninstall command can not be uninstalled


Uninstall can not find given update

Error 2102 : Uninstall can not find given update

Error 2102 : Uninstall can not find given update


Installation of an updates fails. (i.e. when system update API returns something else than exit code “Success”)

Error 2103 : Installation of an updates fails. (i.e. when system update API returns something else than exit code “Success”)

Error 2103 : Installation of an updates fails. (i.e. when system update API returns something else than exit code “Success”)


Windows Update process on the machine is currently in progress and requires reboot. Scan/Deploy was aborted to prevent conflicts. Please reboot the machine.

Error 2104 : Windows Update requires a reboot. Please reboot the machine and run the scan (deploy) procedure again."


Error 2104 : Windows Update requires a reboot. Please reboot the machine and run the scan (deploy) procedure again."


Windows Update Service is disabled. Please enable the service and ensure it is running on the endpoint.

Error 2200 : Windows Update Service is disabled. Please enable the service and ensure it is running on the endpoint.

Error 2200 : Windows Update Service is disabled. Please enable the service and ensure it is running on the endpoint.


Windows Update process on the machine is currently in progress. Scan/Deploy was aborted to prevent conflicts.

Error 2201 : Windows Update is currently in progress. Please run a scan (deploy) procedure later.

Error 2201 : Windows Update is currently in progress. Please run a scan (deploy) procedure later.


Unknown error. See PmClient logs for details.

Error 2255 : Unknown error. See PmClient logs for details.

Error 2255 : Unknown error. See PmClient logs for details.



Error 2300: Patch installation requires accepting the EULA. You can turn on the configuration option to accept EULA automatically.

Error 2300: Patch installation requires accepting the EULA. You can turn on the configuration option to accept EULA automatically.

From SM Client


Old Message

Actual Message

Filter Name






Syntax error in the command to be executed

Error 3101 : Syntax error in the command to be executed

Error 3101 : Syntax error in the command to be executed


Issue with connecting VSA from the machine so the scan failed.

Error 3102 : Issue with connecting VSA from the machine so the scan failed

Error 3102 : Issue with connecting VSA from the machine so the scan failed


Error within the scan script so the scan failed.

Error 3103 : Error within the scan script so the scan failed.

Error 3103 : Error within the scan script so the scan failed.


This scan script took too long to execute so the scan failed.

Error 3104 : This scan script took too long to execute so the scan failed.

Error 3104: This scan script took too long to execute so the scan failed.


Error when trying to scan machine.


Error 3199: Error when trying to scan the machine.

Error 3199: Error when trying to scan the machine.



Old Message

Actual Message

Filter Name


Syntax error in the command to be executed for {patchName}

Error 3201: Syntax error in the command to be executed.

Error 3201: Syntax error in the command to be executed.


Issue with connecting to VSA from the machine so the install failed for {patchName}

Error 3202 : Issue with connecting to VSA from the machine so the install failed for {patchName}

Error 3202 : Issue with connecting to VSA from the machine


Error within the install script so the install failed for {patchName}


Error 3203 : Error within the install script so the install failed for {patchName}

Error 3203: Error within the install script.



This install script took too long to execute so the install failed for {patchName}

Error 3204: This install script took too long to execute so the install failed for {patchName}

Error 3204: This install script took too long to execute.



Error when trying to install {patchName}

Error 3299 : Error when trying to install {patchName}

Error 3299 : Error when trying to install.



Old Message

Actual Message


Attempted to uninstall {patchName}. Syntax error in the command to be executed.

Error 3301: Attempted to uninstall {patchName}. Syntax error in the command to be executed.


Attempted to uninstall {patchName}. Issue with connecting to VSA from the machine.


Error 3302 : Attempted to uninstall {patchName}. Issue with connecting to VSA from the machine.


Attempted to uninstall {patchName}. Error within the uninstall script.

Error 3303 : Attempted to uninstall {patchName}. Error within the uninstall script.


Attempted to uninstall {patchName}. This uninstall script took too long to execute.

Error 3304 : Attempted to uninstall {patchName}. This uninstall script took too long to execute.


Attempted to uninstall {patchName}. An unknown error occurred.

Error 3399 : Attempted to uninstall {patchName}. An unknown error occurred.

From VSA


Actual Message

Filter Name



Error 4010: The machine no longer has a Scan and Analysis profile. The scan cannot continue.

Error 4010: The machine no longer has a Scan and Analysis profile. The scan cannot continue.



Error 4020: Cannot install the software on the 3rd-Party Software profile because this machine is not licensed for 3rd-Party software.

Error 4020: Cannot install the software on the 3rd-Party Software profile because this machine is not licensed for 3rd-Party software.



Error 4030: Zip file does not exist.

Error 4030: Zip file does not exist.



Error 4040: Kaseya 1.0 {OS/3PP} Patch Engine is not supported anymore.

Error 4040: Kaseya 1.0 {OS/3PP} Patch Engine is not supported anymore.



Error 4050: Scan has been aborted since the agent version is less than, please upgrade this agent to the latest version.

Error 4050: Scan has been aborted since the agent version is less than, please upgrade this agent to the latest version.



Error 4060: This machine is in a suspended state.

Error 4060: This machine is in a suspended state.



Error 4070: Failed to install. {patch/product name}

Error 4070: Failed to install

Unknown error during install. Caught only on VSA side when patches are in progress after install is done.



Old Message

Actual Message

Filter Name


Error On Endpoint: Error in deployProfile.patch: Error downloading Lumension binary files: {archiveName} does not exist.

Error 9010 : Error On Endpoint: Error in deployProfile.patch: Error downloading Lumension binary files: {archiveName} does not exist.

Error 9010: Error downloading Lumension binary files.



Error On Endpoint: {lumension binaries extraction failed error}

Error 9020 : {lumension binaries extraction failed error}

Error 9020 : lumension binaries extraction failed.


Error On Endpoint: {error during send scan results}

Error 9030 : {error during send scan results}

Error 9030: Error during sending scan results


Error On Endpoint: Error in deployProfile.resumePatching: The system cannot find the file specified.

Error 9040 : Error On Endpoint: Error in deployProfile.resumePatching: The system cannot find the file specified.

Error 9040 : The system cannot find the file specified.


Error On Endpoint: Error in deployProfile.patch: {generic error during lumension patch}

Error 9050: Error in deployProfile.patch: {generic error during lumension patch}

Error 9050 : Error during Lumension patching


Error On Endpoint: Error in deployProfile.scan: deployProfile.scan: No body contained in get patchanalysisprofile message.


Error 9060 : Error in deployProfile.scan: deployProfile.scan: No body contained in get patchanalysisprofile message.

Error 9060: No body contained in get patchanalysisprofile message.



Error On Endpoint: Error in deployProfile.scan: Error in startExecuteKaseyaScan: {any js runtime error}

Error 9060 : Error On Endpoint: Error in deployProfile.scan: Error in startExecuteKaseyaScan: {any js runtime error}

Error 9060 : Error during Lumension scan


Patch scan file failed to download.

Error 9070 : Patch scan file failed to download

Error 9070 : Patch scan file failed to download


Required package files not available.

Error 9080 : Required package files not available

Error 9080 : Required package files not available


Kaseya License file doesnot exist.

Error 9090 : Kaseya License file doesnot exist.


Error 9090 : Kaseya License file doesnot exist.


The PatchPlayer did not initialize properly.

Error 9100 : The PatchPlayer did not initialize properly.

Error 9100 : The PatchPlayer did not initialize properly.


Required scan file not available

Error 9110 : Required scan file not available

Error 9110 : Required scan file not available


Failed to install after {X} attempts


Error 9120 : Failed to install after {X} attempts

Error 9120 : Failed to install after {X} attempts