The Audit > View Assets page is populated by Discovery scans of networks and domains.The View Assets page provides a consolidated view of all "assets" managed by the VSA. Types of assets include:
Agent managed machines and mobile devices - Computers and mobile devices that have an agent installed on them are always considered managed assets and display on this page for as long as the agent is installed on them.
Devices promoted to an asset - When an agent cannot be installed on a discovered device, the device can still be "promoted" to a managed asset and display on this page. For example, a router or printer may still require monitoring, even if an agent cannot be installed on the machine. There are many different types of non-agent device types that can be managed by the VSA: routers, switchers, printers, firewalls, etc. The Make Asset button on the Discovery > Discovered Devices - Grid View page enables you to "promote" a device to an asset. When you do the device begins displaying on this page. You can "demote" a asset using the Demote Asset to Device on this page. When you do, the asset is removed from this page.
All managed assets are assigned a machine group and organization. Scoping rules and view filtering features within the VSA depend on this assignment.
Multiple credentials can be defined for each asset. For agent assets, one of the credentials can be designated an agent credential and optionally used by Policy Management as an agent credential.
Service Desk tickets can be optionally associated with assets listed on this page.
View - Displays a popup window of information collected about a selected device. Different views, based on the type of probe used to collect the information, can be selected using the Probe Type drop-down list:
NMAP Probe - The standard method of discovering a device on a network, using the Discovery module.
Machine Audit - The audit performed on a machine installed with an agent.
vPro - The inventory of hardware attributes returned by a vPro audit.
Merge View - Merges all methods of data collection into one consolidated view. The default view.
Demote Asset to Device - Removes a selected device as an managed asset. Computers and mobile devices that have agents installed on them cannot be demoted.
Change Group - Changes the organization and machine group assigned to an asset.
Refresh - Refreshes the page.
Table Columns
Asset Name - The name of the asset. Typically this is the device name combined with VSA machine group and organization assigned to the asset.
Device Type - The type of device: computers, mobile devices, routers, switchers, printers, firewalls, etc
Computer Agent - If checked, the asset is a computer and has an agent installed on it.
Mobile Agent - If checked, the asset is a mobile device and has an agent installed on it.
Probes - Click this link to display the list of methods used to probe this computer or device.
Monitoring - If checked, this asset is monitored.
Patching - If checked, this asset is managed by Patch Management.
Auditing - If checked, this asset is audited on a recurring basis.
Backing Up - If checked, this asset is being backed up.
Security - If checked, this asset has antivirus protection.
Ticket Count - Displays the number of open tickets for this asset.
Alarm Count - Displays the number of alarms generated by this asset.
Domain / Workgroup - The domain or workgroup this asset is member of, if any.
SNMP Active - If checked, this asset is SNMP-enabled.
Network - Click this link to display the list of networks this asset is a member of.
Device Name - The network name of a computer or device. If no network name is available, the IP address of the device displays.
Credentials tab
This tab specifies credentials by individual asset. These can be referenced by a VSA user when accessing a machine or device. Optionally include a note with each credential. The Quick View popup window includes a View Credentials option. Quick View access to the credentials displayed can be limited by role and by scope. Use the Manage Credentials page to specify credentials by organization and machine group.
Agent Credentials
If the asset is an agent machine, a credential can be optionally used as the source credential for an agent credential in a Policy Management policy. If multiple credentials are defined for a machine, then the most local level defined has precedence: by individual machine, by machine group, or by organization. At any one level, only one managed credential can be designated the source credential for an agent credential.
New / Edit - Specifies a credential.
Description - A one line description for the credential.
Username - The username.
Password - The password.
Domain - The domain of the credential, if one exists.
Set as agent credential - Only one credential for this asset can be designated the source credential for an agent credential.
Create account - Check to create a new user account on the managed machine.
as Adminstrator - Check to create the new user account with administrator privileges.
Local user account - Select this option to use a credential that logs into this machine locally, without reference to a domain.
Use machine's current domain - Create a credential using the domain name this machine is a member of, as determined by the latest audit.
Specified domain - Use the domain specified above.
Notes - Optionally include a note with the credential. Use the edit toolbar to add images and special formatting to the text. Images must be uploaded rather than copied and pasted in.
- Hyperlink selected text. You may need to reset links copied and pasted from another source.
- Insert a table.
- Insert a horizontal line as a percentage of the width, or set a fixed width in pixels.
- Indent text.
- Outdent text.
- Remove formatting.
- Insert a symbol.
- Insert an emoticon.
- Preview the display of text and images.
- Upload a file or image.
- Set selected text to subscript.
- Set selected text to superscript.
- Toggle full screen mode for editing and viewing.
View - Displays the properties of a selected credential.
Delete - Deletes a select credential.
Table Columns
Type - The type of credential.
- This is an agent credential.
(blank) - This is not an agent credential.
Name - The VSA name of this credential.
Username - The username of the credential.
Domain - The domain of the credential, if one is required.
Agent Credential - If checked, this is the agent credential.
Create Account - Created the account if it does not already exist.
as Administrator - Created the account is an administrator-level account.