Returns machine detail for the submitted Machine_GroupID.
A single record of the following fields is returned.
Machine_GroupID |
string |
A concatenated representation of the machine id and the group id it is associated with. |
agentGuid |
decimal |
A unique identifier for a machine ID account and its corresponding agent. |
machName |
string |
full machine name. Everything to the left of the left-most decimal point is the machine name. |
groupName |
string |
full group name for this account. Everything to the right of the left most decimal point is the group name. |
Manufacturer |
string |
Manufacturer string (type 1) |
ProductName |
string |
Product Name string (type 1) |
MachineVersion |
string |
Version string (type 1) |
SysSerialNumber |
string |
Serial Number string (type 1) |
ChassisSerialNumber |
string |
Chassis Serial Number (type 3) |
ChassisAssetTag |
string |
Chassis Asset Tag number (type 3) |
ChassisType |
string |
Chassis Type (type 3) |
BusSpeed |
string |
External Bus Speed (in MHz) (type 4) |
MaxMemorySize |
string |
Maximum Memory Module Size (in MB) (type 16 - Maximum Capacity or if type 16 not available, Maximum Memory Module Size type 5) |
MaxMemorySlots |
string |
Number of Associated Memory Slots (Number of Memory Devices in type 16 or if type 16 not available Number of Associated Memory Slots in type 5) |
ChassisManufacturer |
string |
Chassis Manufacturer (type 3) |
ChassisVersion |
string |
Chassis Ver (type 3) |
MotherboardManufacturer |
string |
Motherboard Manufacturer (type 2) |
MotherboardProductCode |
string |
Motherboard Product Code (type 2) |
MotherboardVersion |
string |
Motherboard Version (type 2) |
MotherboardSerialNumber |
string |
Motherboard Serial Number (type 2) |
ComputerName |
string |
Name of the Computer |
IpAddress |
string |
IP Address of the computer in a.b.c.d notation |
SubnetMask |
string |
Subnet mask in a.b.c.d notation. String is empty if data is unavailable |
DefaultGateway |
string |
Default gateway IP address in a.b.c.d notation. String is empty if data is unavailable. |
DnsServer1 |
string |
DNS server #1s IP address in a.b.c.d notation. String is empty if data is unavailable. |
DnsServer2 |
string |
DNS server #2s IP address in a.b.c.d notation. String is empty if data is unavailable. |
DnsServer3 |
string |
DNS server #3s IP address in a.b.c.d notation. String is empty if data is unavailable. |
DnsServer4 |
string |
DNS server #4s IP address in a.b.c.d notation. String is empty if data is unavailable. |
DhcpEnabled |
int |
0 -> Data is unavailable, 1 -> DHCP on client computer is enabled, 2 -> Disabled |
DhcpServer |
string |
DHCP servers IP address in a.b.c.d notation. String is empty if data is unavailable. |
WinsEnabled |
string |
0 -> Data is unavailable, 1 -> WINS resolution on client computer is enabled, 2 -> Disabled |
PrimaryWinsServer |
string |
Primary WINS servers IP address in a.b.c.d notation. String is empty if unavailable. |
SecondaryWinsServer |
int |
Secondary WINS servers IP address in a.b.c.d notation. String is empty if unavailable. |
ConnectionGatewayIp |
int |
IP Address in a.b.c.d notation obtained by the Kaseya Server as the source address of the Agent. This IP is the Agents network gateway and will be different from the IpAddress if the computer is behind NAT for example. String is empty if unavailable. |
OsType |
string |
String contains OS type, such as NT4, 2000, NT3.51, or WIN32s. Derived from portions of MajorVersion, MinorVersion, and PlatformId. |
OsInfo |
string |
String contains additional OS info, such as Build 1381 Service Pack 3. Derived from portions of BuildNumber and CsdVersion. |
MajorVersion |
decimal |
Major version number from GetVersionEx() Windows function call. |
MinorVersion |
string |
Minor version number from GetVersionEx() Windows function call.If PlatformId is Win32 for Windows, then a 0 MinorVersion indicates Windows 95. If PlatformId is Win32 for Windows, then then a MinorVersion > 0 indicates Windows 98. |
MacAddr |
string |
String containing the physical address, i.e. the Media Access Control address, of the connection. A MAC address has the form of: 00-03- 47-12-65-77 |
LoginName |
string |
User name of the currently logged on user. This value is updated with every quick check in. The agent error log file is updated with each change. |
firstCheckin |
dateTime |
timestamp recording the first time this agent checked into the system |
lastCheckin |
dateTime |
timestamp recording the most recent time this agent checked into the system |
currentUser |
string |
login name of the currently logged in user. Blank if no one logged in at this time |
lastLoginName |
string |
login name of the last user to log into this system |
lastReboot |
dateTime |
timestamp when this system was last rebooted |
agentVersion |
int |
version number of agent installed on this system |
contactName |
string |
User contact name assigned to this agent |
contactEmail |
string |
User email address assigned to this agent |
contactPhone |
string |
User email address assigned to this agent |
contactNotes |
string |
Notes associated with the contact information for this agent |
enableTickets |
int |
0 if this user does not have access to ticketing through the user interface |
enableRemoteControl |
int |
0 if this user does not have access to remote control through the user interface |
enableChat |
int |
0 if this user does not have access to chat through the user interface |
credentialName |
string |
The username of the credential set for this agent (if any) |
primaryKServer |
string |
address:port agent connects to for its primary Kaseya Server connection |
secondaryKServer |
string |
address:port agent connects to for its secondary Kaseya Server connection |
quickCheckinSecs |
int |
the time to wait, in secs, before performing another agent quick check-in |
agentTempDir |
string |
The working directory used by the agent on this system |
Multiple records of the following fields are returned, if applicable.
CpuDesc |
string |
CPU description (e.g. Pentium III Model 8) |
CpuSpeed |
int |
CPU speed in MHz (e.g. 601) |
CpuCount |
int |
Number of processors (e.g. 1) |
TotalRam |
int |
Amount of RAM in MBytes (e.g. 250) |
Multiple records of the following fields are returned, if applicable.
DriveLetter |
string |
Logical disk drive letter (e.g. C) |
TotalSpace |
int |
Total MBytes on the disk (e.g. 28609 for 28.609 GB) May be null if unavailable. |
UsedSpace |
int |
Number of MBytes used (e.g. 21406 for 21.406 GB). May be null if unavailable. |
FreeSpace |
int |
Number of MBytes free (e.g. 21406 for 21.406 GB). May be null if unavailable. |
DriveType |
string |
Fixed = hard diskRemovable = floppy or other removable mediaCDROMNetwork = mapped network drive |
VolumeName |
string |
Name assigned to the volume |
FormatType |
string |
NTFS, FAT32, CDFS, etc. |
A single record of the following fields is returned.
Method |
string |
The operation that requested this response. |
TransactionID |
decimal |
The unique message ID for this message. |
ErrorMessage |
string |
If blank, no error was returned. |
ErrorLocation |
string |
If blank, no error was returned. |