The Chat page initiates or continues chat sessions with logged on users on managed machines. Multiple chat sessions may be active at the same time. Each window title displays the machine ID name for that session. The system automatically removes all messages older than one hour. Press the Shift-Enter key combination to insert a carriage return into a message.
Note: You can also use Live Connect to chat and video chat with a managed machine. Video chat allows you to video chat with anyone, not just a managed machine user.
To Initiate a Chat Session
Click the machine ID of the machine you wish to start chatting with. A chat session window opens on your machine and a chat window opens in a browser on the remote machine. Enter text in the text pane. Click the Send button to send the message.
To Respond to a Chat Session
If a chat popup window displays while you are logged on to the Kaseya Server, respond by entering text in the text pane. Click the Send button to send the message.
Join Session link
Multiple VSA users may participate in the same chat session with a machine user. If a chat session is in progress, the Join Session link displays next to that machine ID. Click this link to join the session. If the session was abnormally shut down, click this link to restart the chat session and recover all messages for the session.
Chatting with Other VSA Users
The names of logged on VSA users with scope rights to the organizations and group IDs currently displayed by the machine ID filter display on the Chat page as well. Click the link of another logged on VSA user to initiate a chat with that VSA user.
Enable / Disable the Machine User's Ability to Initiate Chat with VSA Users
Users can enable / disable the machine user's ability to initiate a chat session with VSA users using the System > Machine Roles > Access Rights tab.
Ensuring Chat Opens a New Window
The default setting for Internet Explorer reuses open browser windows when any task opens a new URL. This same behavior occurs when you click a link in an email or Word document (the already open browser window is redirected to the new URL). To set Internet Explorer's default behavior to open new URLs in a new window perform the following steps:
My Machine Makes a 'Clicking' Noise Every Time the Chat Window Refreshes
Many Windows themes configure the system to play a sound every time Internet Explorer navigates to a new URL. One of these, start.wav
, sounds like a click. To turn off the sound perform the following steps:
Check-in status
These icons indicate the agent check-in status of each managed machine. Hovering the cursor over a check-in icon displays the agent Quick View window.
Online but waiting for first audit to complete
Agent online
Agent online and user currently logged on.
Agent online and user currently logged on, but user not active for 10 minutes
Agent is currently offline
Agent has never checked in
Agent is online but remote control has been disabled
The agent has been suspended
Machine.Group ID
The list of Machine.Group IDs displayed is based on the Machine ID / Group ID filter and the machine groups the user is authorized to see using System > User Security > Scopes.
Play tone with each new message
Check this box to cause a tone to sound every time a new message is sent or received by a chat window.
Automatically close chat window when either party ends chat
Check this box to close the chat window when either party ends the chat. Leave blank, if you want each party to be able to view and copy text from the chat window, even if the other party ends the chat.
Remove your name from chat list seen by other administrators
Check this box to remove your name from the chat list seen by other VSA users.
Remove your name from chat list seen by users
Check this box to remove your name from the chat list seen by machine users.