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Updates user information.

A single record of the following fields is returned.



The operation that requested this response.



The unique message ID for this message.



If blank, no error was returned.



If blank, no error was returned.

Hashing Algorithm

With release 6.2, K2 has adopted the SHA-256 hashing algorithm for secure authentications. Previously the standard was SHA-1. See the Changing Passwords Used by External Applications topic of System online help for a general introduction to this enhancement.

Best Practices

To ensure a smooth migration from prior releases to this release, Kaseya recommends web services API client code be written or modified to attempt authentication using SHA-256 first, then SHA-1 second, in succession. This will ensure that the client code will be compatible with passwords created under current and prior versions of the VSA.

  1. Set the HashingAlgorithm parameter in the Authenticate request to SHA-256. Ensure the password is hashed using SHA-256. Issue the Authenticate request. Check to see if a valid session ID was returned.
  2. Set the HashingAlgorithm parameter to SHA-1. Rehash the password value using SHA-1. Re-issue the Authenticate request. Check to see if a valid session ID was returned.