The Default Settings page specifies default settings for server management and a file upload whitelist.
Default Settings tab
Assign based on Active Directory OU Name
- A department is created for the new staff record based on the OU/Container name.Assign based on Active Directory Department property
- A department is created for the new staff record based on the department name specified for the user in Active Directory.Assign based on Active Directory Display name. If empty, use First name plus Last name
Assign based on Active Directory User logon name
Assign based on Active Directory First name plus Last name
, the Machine Group drop-down displays every organization and every machine group as separate items. If N
, organizations are not shown as separate items in the list for organizations with one machine group only.Note: If you are using the Ticketing module and associating tickets by organization, then this option should be set to N
. This enables user passwords for existing legacy AD logons to continue to be recognized. Whenever a password for an existing AD logon is reset, a newer hashing algorithm is used, based on fully qualified domain names. If legacy AD logons using the View AD Users page were never implemented prior to 6.3, then set this option to No.Attachment Upload Whitelist tab
The Attachment Upload Whitelist tab controls the types of attachments that can be uploaded to the various rich text editors used throughout the VSA framework. A default set of file types is specified. Default file types can be deleted but not modified. Users can set the list back to only the default list of file types. Only master role users have access to this new tab.
Service Desk and Ticketing tickets created by inbound email only accept attachments with extensions allowed by this tab. If an attachment is not accepted during inbound email processing, a message is inserted into the description of the ticket to notify the user that the attachment was excluded and lists the supported file extensions.