Displays information about the agent on the managed machine:
Agent version - Version number of the Kaseya agent loaded on the machine.
Current User - Logon name of the machine user currently logged into the machine (if any).
Last check-in - Most recent time when a machine checked into the Kaseya Server.
Last reboot - Time of the last known reboot of the machine.
First time check-in - Time when a machine first checked into the Kaseya Server.
Patch Policy Membership - Defined using Patch Management > Membership: Patch Policy
View Definition Collections - Defined using the Only show selected machine IDs option in View Definitions.
Temp Directory - Can also be defined using Agent > Manage Agents.
Working Directory - Can also be defined using Agent > Manage Agents.
Check-In Control - Can also be defined using Agent > Check-In Control.
Primary KServer -IP address / name the machine uses to communicate with the Kaseya Server.
Secondary KServer - IP address / name the machine uses to communicate with the Kaseya Server.
Quick checkin - Quick check in time setting in seconds.
Port - The port number of either the Kaseya Server or a virtual system server.
Bandwidth Throttle - Limit the agent to consuming a maximum amount of bandwidth on the system with this control.
Edit Profile - Can also be defined using Agent > Edit Profile.
Logs tab
Displays the logs available for a machine: Alarm Log, Monitor Action Log, Agent Log, Configuration Changes, Network Statistics, Event Log, Agent Procedure Log, Remote Control Log, Log Monitoring.
Pending Procedures tab
Displays pending procedures for a machine and the procedure history for that machine. Includes the execution date/time, status and user who scheduled the procedure.
The following information is displayed:
Procedure Name - The name of the procedure.
Scheduled Execution - The time and the date that the procedure is scheduled.
Last Execution - The time and the date that the procedure was executed
Recurring Interval - Displays the recurring interval for procedure executing.
Status - The status of the executed procedure.
Admin - Admin name that last scheduled this procedure.