The user interface of the VSA is designed to be flexible while streamlining the choices a user makes.
Note: Using multiple browser tabs to access the same VSA instance is not supported. Logging on to the same VSA as multiple users from the same browser is also not supported.
VSA page elements
Pages in the VSA user interface contain these main elements:
Site Header - A customizable site logo and header text displays in the upper left corner.
Machine Search - Enter a string without spaces into the edit box and all machine names containing that string display in a drop down list.
Global menu – Row of icons across the top of the user interface. Hover over an icon to display its description. Sample icons are shown here:
– Click to log out or to view/update account settings. If you have more than one role or scope, you can switch roles or scopes at any time during your VSA session.
Navigation panel
VSA modules display in a single, explorer-like navigation panel:
Only the modules that have been installed to this VSA instance display in the navigation panel.
Only the modules and functions accessible to the current user display in the navigation panel. Any items that the user does not have access to do not display in the VSA.
To view a module's functions, click to expand the module.
To search for a module or function, enter text in the Search Navigation field above the navigation panel. Modules and functions containing the string you entered display below.
Selector panel
Many VSA functions display in a middle selector panel where you can select one or more records. You can scroll, filter, and sort the selector panel independently from any other panel.
Selector panel buttons - At the top of the selector panel is a page-specific button bar. Typically these buttons enable you to create, edit, and delete records listed in the selector panel. Additional buttons display, depending on the page and your user access rights.
Page selector - If the selector panel list is longer than one page, the page selector enables you to browse through multiple pages. You can set the number of rows displayed on each page.
Data panel - On the right-hand side of the page is a data panel designed as a series of tabbed views, providing quick access to each property or data view no matter how complex a function might be. Many of the tabs have fields you can edit and buttons that provide additional functionality.
Agent list example
Machine ID, Machine Group, and View filters – If a page displays an agent list, then these filters display at the top of the page. Use these filters to limit the list of agents that display on the page:
Machine ID – Enter text to display only agents whose machine IDs contain the string you entered.
Machine Group – Select a group from the list to filter by machine group.
View – Select a view from the list to filter by view.
Folder / object tree – Certain functions display a folder tree in the selector panel instead of a list of records. Typically two folder trees are provided, one Private and one Shared, but sometimes only the Shared folder tree displays. You can create new objects in these folder trees, and in the Shared folder tree, share them with other users.
Tree filter – All folder tree panels can be filtered by entering a string into the tree filter.
Agent lists – Agents lists display on many VSA pages. Agents frequently display in one of the tabs in the data panel on the right side of the page.
Tab-specific buttons – Any tab in the data panel on the right side of the page can display a tab-specific set of buttons. Tab-specific buttons apply to any child records that have been selected on the tab. For example, to run an agent procedure immediately, you select the procedure in the folder tree in the middle panel, then select one or more of the agents on the tab, then click the Run Now tab-specific button to execute the agent procedure.
Collapsible regions – Panels, tabs and, dialogs are sometimes segmented into collapsible regions. Clicking the down arrow lets you hide that region of the user interface. A collapsed region displays an expand button, enabling you to expand that region again.