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Selecting a Service Account

Kaseya Network Monitor is a Windows service that is installed to logon using a service account.

Using the LocalSystem account

The built-in LocalSystem account is the default service account assigned to the Kaseya Network Monitor service when installing. While the LocalSystem account is the most convenient way to get Network Monitor up and running, it has many privileges that are unnecessary to run Network Monitor locally.

Note: We recommend the Kaseya Network Monitor service be assigned a service account using the fewest number of privileges possible. The Network Monitor account manager can then be used to impersonate Windows accounts with elevated permissions when these permissions are required for tests, actions and events.

Network Monitor Required Privileges

Network Monitor requires the service account it is assigned to have the following file system permissions:

  • READ, WRITE and EXECUTE to Network Monitor base directory
  • READ, WRITE, MODIFY to all sub-directories

The service account may also require the Act as part of operating system privilege to enable Windows account impersonations. Consult your Windows documentation to determine if this privilege must be added.