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Listing operator schedules

To list all operator schedules, select the Operator schedules menu item from the Schedules menu. The Operator schedules list view displays.

Opening the operator schedules list

The operator schedules list

All operator schedules are listed with the name, description and the active period of the schedule.


In the upper section of the Operator schedules list view, a number of commands are listed. These commands affect operator schedules that are selected in the list only.

  • Delete - Deletes the selected operator schedules. The operator must confirm the delete operation.
  • New - Creates a new operator schedule.

Selecting operator schedules

To select operator schedules from the list place a check mark in the selection column to the left. It's also possible to select a range of schedules by first clicking the start position in the list, then hold the shift key and click the end position. All the operator schedules in between the selected positions are selected.