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Network Monitor is capable of generating statistical reports from recorded monitor data. A report can contain several different components, such as charts, toplists, downtime information, data tables, comments and images.

The overall style and color settings of the reports are controlled by style templates, which makes it easy to add your company color-scheme or logotype to the finished reports.

Customized reports vs. Report templates

Network Monitor has two different types of reports: Customized reports and Report templates.

In a Customized report you pre-define what objects and monitors to include in the report. In a Report template you only specify the type of report items to include. A Report template requires the operator viewing the template to specify what objects and monitors to include when generating the report, while the Customized report already has this information and thus can be generated without asking the user for any input.

This makes Customized reports a good choice when you want to create a report that is used frequently for a specific purpose and contains data from objects or monitors that do not change. A Report template, as the name implies, has the flexibility of being used with any object and monitor. As such, a Report template can only be viewed/emailed or scheduled if a set of objects or monitors is also defined. This extra requirement makes Report templates much more powerful. For example, if your Report template contains a CPU chart, the actual contents of the chart depends on the networks or objects you selected when you viewed the Report template. Other report items work in a similar way when generating reports with Report templates.

Network Monitor comes pre-configured with a set of useful Report templates. You can of course customize those Report templates and create your own if you wish to do so.