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Init.cfg parameters

The init.cfg file contains a number of different configuration parameters. They are described below with their respective default values.


  • LOG_LEVEL = 0 - Log level, if set to other then zero Network Monitor writes debug information into the text log. Valid log level is 0, 1 and 2.

Web server

  • WEBSERVER_PORT = 8080 - Web server port number. This is the port number the web server listens on for incoming connections from a browser.
  • WEBSERVER_LANGUAGE = ENG - The language used in the web interface. Defaults to ENG (English). FRA (French) is optional.
  • WEBSERVER_CERT= - The web server can use SSL to encrypt information. This parameter specifies the certificate name, default blank. Use the Network Monitor SSL configuration utility to select and configure SSL options.
  • WEBSERVER_SSL=0 - Enables web server SSL mode, default disabled (0), enabled (1).


  • SSH2_TIMEOUT=25000 - SSH2 client timeout time in milliseconds. Defaults to 25000 (25 seconds).
  • SSH2_TRACELEVEL=0 - Tracelevel can be used to debug the ssh2 connection. Defaults to 0. A valid range is 0 to 4 (max output).

Testing thread pool configuration

  • TP_INIT_SIZE - The initial size of the thread. Defaults to 20.
  • TP_MAX_AGE - The max age in seconds a thread can be unused before being deleted from the pool. Defaults to 3600 (one hour). The purpose of this parameter is to have the thread pool balance the size to a optimal size for your configuration.
  • TP_MAX_SIZE - Max size that the thread pool can grow to. Defaults to 125.


  • OBJECT_IP_CACHE=1 - Network Monitor resolves all object host names into IP addresses. This feature can be turned of if there is problems with the local DNS. Defaults to 1 (enabled). Optionally 0 (disabled).
  • DELAY_TEST_START=0 - This parameter can be used to delay the start of monitor tests when Network Monitor is starting up. Defaults to 0 seconds. Useful for reducing machine boot time stress by delaying the start of Network Monitor monitor tests.
  • OPERATOR_SESSION_TIMEOUT=20 - Sets the operator session timeout value, in minutes. If no timeout is wanted, set value to -1
  • DISTTEST_UPDATE_INTERVAL=60 - Distributed Edition only. Time between the event that causes the gateway and server to exchange information. Can be set in both gateway and server init.cfg files to separate values. The default 60 seconds is recommended.
  • DISABLE_RTS - If this variable is present and set to 1 in the init.cfg file at startup, no real-time statistics are loaded for monitors. This can greatly speed up the startup time of Network Monitor.
  • NO_TESTING - If this variable is present and set to 1 in the init.cfg file at startup, no testing is performed until an operator enables the testing again.