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Performance related issues with monitored object

Spontaneous errors occur during specific times of the day or other patterns occur, such as when backup starts or large queries run in a database on the monitored object.


The monitored object may be unable to complete requests from Network Monitor since it's busy performing other tasks. The problem can also be network bandwidth related. For example monitoring objects over an VPN connection can severely degrade network performance and latency. The error messages can vary but most commonly they are all related to RPC failures.


  • Lower the test frequency to 300 seconds
  • Set the Alarm generation value to at least 5 to filter out false positives
  • Use the Alarm filtering features in the monitor to filter out non-threshold errors.
  • If low network bandwidth or high network latency is a factor the Distributed Edition can be used to place a gateway closer to the monitored object. A gateway uses only a fraction of the network bandwidth that a normal test does.