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TCP port scan

Monitor description

The purpose of this monitor is to verify that a number of ports are open or closed depending on the use. In its default state the monitor triggers an alarm if the port can be opened. If the invert flag is checked the monitor triggers an alarm if the port is closed.

  • System type: All
  • Category: Others

TCP port scan monitor property page

Monitor specific properties

  • Port number range - Ports to scan. The port range can be in the following format:
    • 21-23 - The monitor scans ports between and including 21 to 23.
    • 80,21-23 - The monitor scans port 80 and ports between and including 21 to 23. The monitor can check up to 100 ports.
  • Invert function - Check this option if you want to make the test verify that a certain port is open instead of closed.