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Execute Lua script

The Lua action executes a Lua script, the object of the monitor that calls the action is used by the script as the host. The Lua script action can execute both simple and advanced scripts. Scripts using the advanced script model have custom defined argument sections that are not described here.

Lua script using the Simple script model

Lua script example using the Advanced script model


  • Logon account - Account to use when executing the action. The action does not perform a Windows logon if the Use no logon account option is selected. Use object default account sets the action to use the account of the monitor or the object, if the monitor has no account specified.
  • Script - Select the script from the list. The list is based on scripts located in the KNM\script folder of the KNM host machine.
  • Argument (Simple scripts) - Arguments passed to the script. The following formatting variables can be included in the parameters passed to the script.
    • %object_name - object name
    • %monitor_name - monitor name
    • %object_destination - object address
  • No account logon - Selecting this option passes the username and password of the selected account to the script, so the script can perform any required authentication.