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HTTP Get/Post

Sends a HTTP Get or Post request to a web server.


  • URL - The URL can be an absolute URL or an relative URL to the object.
  • Port - Port number. Defaults to 80.
  • SSL - Check option to use SSL. Remember that the web server normally listens to a different port then the default port of 80 for SSL traffic. If necessary, change the port number when selecting this option. The action accepts server side certificates with an invalid Common Name, expired date or invalid certificate authority. Checking and unchecking this box changes the port number between 80 (unchecked) and 443 (checked).
  • Parameters - Post request only. Enter parameters using the format name=value, one parameter per row. The following formatting variables can be included in a parameter.
    • %time - current time
    • %object_name - object name
    • %object_destination - object address
    • %monitor_name - monitor name
    • %monitor_error - monitor error message
    • %monitor_error2 - monitor error message, no time stamp
    • %sys_distributionlist - distribution list
    • %monitor_dependencystatus - dependency tree status
    • %object_description - object description
    • %network_name - network name
    • %network_contactinfo - network contact information
  • Username/Password - Optional. Authentication option if required.
  • Proxy server - Address of proxy server.
  • Proxy port - Proxy server port number.
  • Get/Post - Method to use when sending request to web server.

Example: Get and post request with absolute URL

This example demonstrates two different ways of sending requests with variables to a web server, using either the get request or post request.

Get request

  • URL -

Post request

  • URL -
  • Parameters
    • test1=1
    • test2=2

Example: Get and post request with a relative URL

This example demonstrates two different ways of sending requests with variables to a web server, using either the get request or post request. The URL is relative to the address of the object calling the action list.

Get request

  • URL - test.php?test1=1&test2=2

Post request

  • URL - test.php
  • Parameters
    • test1=1
    • test2=2