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The Wake-on-LAN action (WOL) can start a host that is compliant with the WOL standard. Refer to the host's documentation to determine if the action can be used.

Note: This action is restricted to waking up hosts located on the same broadcast network segment as the host used to send the WOL packet.

  • Parameters MAC - The MAC address of the interface to send the WOL packet to. The format of the MAC address is AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF. Leave the field blank to use the MAC address of the object.
  • Packet count - How many times the packet should be sent. Set this value to higher then 1 to be sure that the host receives it.
  • Interval - The time to wait, in seconds, between sending each packet. If the packet count is set to 5 and the interval to 5, 5 packets are sent during a 25 second period.