Gateways, groups, and assets display a Basic properties edit tab.
Basic properties
Name - The name for the asset. This property is set in Discovery module.
Address - The DNS name or IP address of the asset. This property is set when an asset is discovered using the Discovery the module.
Operating system - Select the asset's system type. The operating system determines the type of monitors that can be added to this asset. If you do not know what system type the asset is or the system type is unavailable, select the Other/Unidentified option. For Windows performance monitors to work properly, it is essential that the system type be specified correctly.
Asset type - Classifies the type of hardware asset. For reference purposes only.
Description - The description field can be used to describe the asset in greater detail. For example, the type of hardware or physical location.
Free text - The free text field can be used to include other information about the asset and can also be included in alarm notifications.
Alert and recovery settings
Inherit notification group - Sets the notification group for this node. For gateways, groups, and asset nodes you can override the default notification user group messages are sent to. Monitor nodes use the notification group specified by their parent asset node and cannot be overridden.
Inherit alarm messages - Sets the Alarm Messages format for this node.
Inherit actions - If checked, inherited actions and inherited recovery actions are included on the Actions tab of this node.