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Format Variables

All outgoing messages in Network Monitor can include formatting variables in the text of the message. The format variables are resolved before the messages are processed and sent to recipients. Most of these format variables are context sensitive. For example, the format variable %[monitor.error] only resolves when an alarm is triggered by a monitor action. This same format variable will not resolve into anything if used in a Send mail scheduled event.


current time


24 hours formatting


12 hours formatting


including minutes


including seconds


current date


current date with full year


year without century


month as number 01 - 12


day of the month 01 - 31


0 - sunday, 6 = saturday


day of the year 1 - 366


name of group


full path of group


group unique id


link to group


link to articles for the current group


group/company name


group/company additional line 1


group/company additional line 2


group/company contact name


group/company email


group/company phone


group/company cell phone


group/company fax


group/company address1


group/company address 2


asset local time




unique id of asset














link to asset


link to articles for the current asset


























name of the user, used in acknowledge alarm


name of "on duty" user as defined by a user work schedule


list of users who get the e-mail






used in acknowledge alarm, monitors that were acknowledged