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Enabling the ODBC Driver

Enabling the ODBC driver in the standalone edition of Network Monitor allows you to run SQL queries against the Network Monitor data.



On the VSA / Network Monitor Server Machine

  1. Open cmd.exe in administrators mode.
  2. Change directory to the knm root directory.
  3. Change directory to the dsii_driver directory under the knm root directory.
  4. Install the KNM ODBC driver with the following command:
    dsii_driver.exe -Install
  5. Open the service control manager and make sure the "KNM5DSIIService" is started and set to "automatic" startup.
  6. Create or identify the API Key associated with any Network Monitor user. This field is located on the Network Monitor > Users > My settings > Basic properties tab.

    Note: Enter the API Key as the username used to authenticate with, when making an ODBC connection to the Network Monitor server. The authentication password can be any string.

    On the Local Machine

  7. Copy the knmsetup.exe installer file from <Kaseya_Installation_Directory>\KNM\Install directory to your local machine.
  8. Run knmsetup.exe on your local machine a select the Install ODBC driver option.
  9. When installing, enter the KNM host machine IP number in the KNM host field and keep the port number to the default port 12345.

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  10. When the installation is done you should be able to do queries of the following tables.

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Example: Querying Network Monitor Using Excel 2010

  1. Display a blank worksheet in Excel 2010.
  2. Select the Data > From Other Sources > From Data Connection Wizard option.
  3. Select the ODBC DSN option.
  4. Select the ODBC Data Source for Network Monitor. By default this name is KNM50DBCClientDSII.
  5. Select the following data source properties.

  6. Select the Network Monitor table you want to create a data connection with.
  7. Save the data connection file. This enables you to reuse the data connection later.
  8. Select how you want to view the data in your workbook, and the starting cell.
  9. Review the Network Monitor now displayed in the spreadsheet.
  10. From now on, you can click Refresh (Alt+F5) to update the Network Monitor data displayed in the spreadsheet.