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List View Filtering

Filtering List Views by Search

You can filter list views using the Search field. The data you can search for depends on the list view you have selected.

When a Group is Selected

Assets tab

name, description, address and machine group name


Monitors tab

name, asset name, machine group name


Schedules tab

event/schedule description


Knowledge tab

article ID, article title


Audit tab

message text

When an Asset is Selected

Monitors tab

monitor name, type (e.g. 'CPU utilization')


Knowledge tab

article ID, article title


Audit tab

message text


State change tab

message text

When a Knowledge Base Category is Selected


article ID, article Title



message text

Filtering List Views by Machine Group and Organization

On any node with an Assets tab or Monitors tab in the Network Monitor module, you can filter by organization and machine group.

Filtering List Views by Multiple Conditions

Asset tab and Monitor tab list views can be filtered by multiple conditions. Types of filters include:

The following actions of available with conditional filters:

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