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Oracle monitor

This Oracle monitor type is capable of monitoring several key aspects of an Oracle database. The monitor uses the native Oracle interface and does not require an ODBC driver installed on the Network Monitor host machine.

Note: Only monitor specific settings are documented here. See Standard monitor settings.


Install the Oracle database instant client on the Network Monitor server or gateway. Download and install the 32-bit client, even if your server is 64-bit. This is because Network Monitor is a 32-bit application and requires 32-bit drivers.

After installation ensure that the folder where you installed the package is in the Windows system path. This might require a reboot of the server. After altering the system path, restart the Network Monitor service for the change to take effect. If Network Monitor cannot access the DLL files it requires, the Oracle monitor fails with an error message specifying that it cannot find the DLL files.

Oracle account

These fields are required to connect to the database to perform configured tests.

Performance monitoring options

Tablespace monitoring options

A table space is associated with physical files stored on disk, each database can be associated with one or more table spaces for storages of tables and indexes. By monitoring table space usage, you can be warned before the remaining free space in a table space passes below a threshold.

SQL query option

An optional SQL statement can be executed and its output compared to a predefined value using a compare operation.