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Export statistics event

The Export statistics event exports collected statistical data for a given period. The data can be exported to CSV files (comma separated text files) for import into spreadsheet applications, or directly to another database via ODBC. Exporting to another database requires 32 bit, System DSN ODBC driver be configured on the target database machine.

Note: See the Schedules tab topic for an introduction to scheduling events.

Event statistics

The settings for this event are divided into two sections. In the first section the type and source of the exported data is defined.

Export options

In this section the details for the CSV file or database export is defined.

Exporting statistics to a CSV file

When exporting statistics data to a file, Network Monitor produces two files every time the event is executed. The files are placed in the KNM\reports\export folder of the KNM host machine.

One file has the name specified in the Filename box in the event properties. This file contains the raw exported data. The second file has the same name, but has info_ prefixed to the name. This file contains a description of the kind of data that was exported.

The structure of the info file looks like this:

Network name;asset name;monitor name;monitor-id;monitor-subid;datatype-id;unit;datatype description


Default network;Backup;Disk utilization (C:);84;0;3;%;Disk utilization

The structure of the data file looks like this:

monitor-id;datatype-id;monitor-subid;timestamp;raw data;comment 


84;3;0;2009/08/05 09:42:57;13.669434;

If the record is considered invalid by Network Monitor, a fixed value of -10000.0 is exported.

Exporting to a database

When exporting statistics data to a database, Network Monitor creates two tables in the database. The first table is called inmDataExportInformation. It has the following structure:

CREATE TABLE inmDataExportInformation (networkName char(128), assetName char(128),monitorName char(128), monitorID integer, atomID integer, dataType integer, unitNamechar(32), exportedDataType char(128));

This table contains information about the data that was exported, similar to to exporting data to a file.

The second table is called inmDataExport. It has the following structure:

CREATE TABLE inmDataExport (monitorID integer, atomID integer, dataType integer, dataTime DATETIME, dataRaw float);

This table contains all of the exported statistics data.

Warning: Network Monitor begins the export of data by dropping tables with these two names. The database user configured for Network Monitor will require appropriate access to DROP, CREATE and INSERT operations on the database in question. Refer to your database manual for information about how to configure a database user.